China Covid Cases: China’s Covid-19 Outbreak Evolving Rapidly, Says Health Official World News – Times of India

SHANGHAI: China’s latest Covid-19 outbreak is evolving rapidly, a health official said, as officials sought higher vigil at ports of entry amid rising infections in the northeastern border city due to the virus arriving from abroad.
Some 377 domestically infected cases with confirmed symptoms were reported during 17-29 October. national health commission (NHC) data is shown. China has suffered a series of outbreaks this year since it largely contained the national spread in early 2020.
The numbers remain low compared to groups outside the country. However, while the rest of the world deals with coexistence with Covid, China has maintained its zero tolerance, urging vigilance around border areas and ports to prevent infected inbound travelers from spreading the virus to local people. Can you

“Within the past 14 days, 14 provincial regions have reported new locally transmitted cases or asymptomatic carriers,” NHC spokesman Mi Feng said on Saturday.
“The outbreak is still developing rapidly, and the virus control situation is grim and complex.”
Hehe, a small northeastern city of 1.3 million people located on China’s side of the Amur River on the border with Russia, reported 26 local cases for October 29, a sharp increase from nine on October 28 and just one on October 27. .
Wu Liangyu, another NHC official, said: “This outbreak has exposed the dysfunction of mind among some local officials.”

China, especially the ports of entry, should strengthen testing screening of people at high infection risk and improve surveillance of potential flare-ups, as the virus continues to spread, Wu said at a news briefing.
Wu said the survey and virus sequencing results showed that the cluster in Hehe was not related to the ongoing outbreak, primarily in northwestern parts of China, indicating that the virus was a new source brought in from overseas.
The NHC said last week that many localized infections detected in the north and northwestern parts of China since October 17 can be traced back to the source of the virus brought from abroad.
China’s border cities, many with relatively few resources, have suffered more severe disruptions than wealthier cities amid outbreaks.
Ruili, the small southwestern town bordering Myanmar, has seen its ever-strong jewelery trading business, a pillar of its modest economy, hit by some of the toughest virus measures as repeated outbreaks in China.
In major cities, officials have vowed to tighten virus curbs for major international events to reduce the risk of imported viruses.
To safely host the Winter Olympic Games in February, Chinese athletes and staff supporting the event must receive a vaccine booster shot, while boosters are recommended, but not mandatory, for foreign athletes, a state television report said. according to the report.
Wu said China is aiming to complete vaccination of children aged three to 11 years by the end of December, which excludes medical conditions that could make the Covid-19 shot harmful.
It has already fully vaccinated about 75.8% of its 1.4 billion population, and is giving booster shots to eligible adults.


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