China reacts positively to Russian plan to hold first ‘expanded troika’ meeting in Kabul since Taliban came to power

The “Extended Troika” meeting first took place in Qatar on 11 August. The talks under the draft were earlier held on March 18 and April 30.

China on Thursday reacted positively to a Russian proposal to convene a new meeting of an ‘expanded troika’ on Afghanistan in Kabul – the first such conference since the Taliban seized power last month.

Russian news agency Sputnik quoted Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Igor Morgulov as saying that Russia plans to convene a new meeting of an “expanded troika” on Afghanistan in Kabul after the resumption of commercial flights.

“We believe that we should contribute to the immediate stabilization jointly with other international partners,” Mr. Morgulov said.

“For this, we plan to convene a new meeting of the expanded troika, which includes Russia, the United States, China and Pakistan, as the situation prevails, in Kabul. I am primarily in Kabul for commercial civil aviation flights. I refer to the resumption of airport operations,” he said.

On Tuesday, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid told the media that efforts were on to reopen Kabul airport to civilian air traffic.

Asked for their response to the Russian proposal, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a media briefing on Thursday that China and Russia are in “intense and strong” communication on the evolving situation in Afghanistan following the US withdrawal.

“The proper resolution of the Afghan issue requires the participation and support of the international community,” Mr. Wang said.

“There are several mechanisms on Afghanistan, each with its own characteristics and highlights, and complementing each other. China is maintaining close coordination with relevant parties on the Afghan issue,” he said.

“China and Russia have deep strong strategic communication coordination at all levels. Under the new circumstances, China will continue to work with the international community to normalize the situation in Afghanistan and Kabul.

“Together we will help Afghanistan restore order and achieve peace and reconstruction for it,” he said.

The “Extended Troika” meeting first took place in Qatar on 11 August. The talks under the draft were earlier held on March 18 and April 30.

The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan on August 15, two weeks before the US prepared to complete its troop withdrawal after two decades of costly war. This forced Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to leave the country and move to the United Arab Emirates.

For the US, this is an entirely new situation as not only did the Taliban seize power after the previous ‘extended troika’ meetings, but also amid a growing crowd of Afghans at the Kabul airport wanting to leave the country. His soldiers also had to retreat in haste. To avoid the wrath of the new regime.


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