China rejects ‘pressure or coercion’ on Russia ties – Times of India

BEIJING: China said on Thursday it would reject “any coercion or coercion” on its ties with RussiaIn response to a call from the US treasure Secretary Gento Yellen To persuade Beijing to use its “special relationship with Russia” Moscow to end the war Ukraine,
Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian defended China’s position on the war, saying it has made “great efforts to defuse the situation, defuse the crisis and rebuild peace.”
“China is playing a constructive role in the Ukraine issue,” Zhao told reporters at a daily briefing.
China has refused to condemn the invasion of Ukraine by strategic partner Russia, or even referred to the conflict as a war in honor of Moscow, which uses the term “special military operation”. Is.
“We oppose baseless allegations and suspicions against China, nor will we accept any coercion or coercion. Time will tell whether China’s claims are on the right side of history,” Zhao said.
China has also amplified Russian propaganda about the war, including unsupported claims that the US and Ukraine are developing biological weapons.
It has strongly opposed economic sanctions against Russia and sided with or sided with Moscow in UN votes, just weeks after the Russian leader began the war on 24 February. Vladimir Putin Meeting with Xi Jinping of China in Beijing.
In a speech on Wednesday, Yellen said Beijing “cannot expect the global community to honor its appeal to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity in the future if it does not respect these principles now.”
“The world’s attitude towards China and its willingness to embrace further economic integration may well be influenced by China’s response to resolute action on Russia,” she said.
Yellen’s speech at the Atlantic Council, a nonpartisan think tank, came a week before the world’s finance ministers and central bank governors called for an International Monetary Fund-World Bank Group spring meeting in Washington. Its direct appeal to China underscores a growing frustration the United States and its allies have with a country that has deepened its ties with Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.
Making no mention of Russia’s aggression, Zhao reiterated China’s stance that it “maintains that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries should be respected and protected,” and “preserved Ukraine’s sovereignty and security.” Should go, and so should Russia’s legitimate security concerns. Respected.”