China reports 691 new covid cases on July 17 versus a day earlier – Times of India

Shanghai: China on July 17 reported 598 new coronavirus cases, of which 167 were symptomatic and 431 were asymptomatic. national health commission said on Monday.
Compared to 691 new cases a day earlier – 154 symptomatic and 537 asymptomatic infections, which China counts separately.
There were no new deaths taking into account the country’s death toll at 5,226.
As of Sunday, mainland China had 2,27,593 confirmed cases with symptoms.
capital of china Beijing The local government said zero new local symptomatic or asymptomatic cases were reported as of the previous day.
Shanghai Three new local symptomatic cases were reported, compared to two a day earlier, and 14 local asymptomatic cases versus 24 the previous day, none of which were found outside the quarantine areas, local government data showed.