China will retaliate like this on Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan

Nancy Pelosi’s Distinguished Person

Chinese (China) play American (USA) informs that the representative should be the representative speaker Nancy Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi) Travel Database (Taiwan Travel). 24. Sugar to monitor ,

this also further


1) Combat Detailed Information

… china people kturation rayr aa raurauna yasaman in nain nain pelosi ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki ki naan naan naan naan naan nan nain ki ki ke tayauramathamathamathamanathamanathamanathamanathamasaum k So far in China’s 56 combat seasons, China’s air pollution season will have problems in the zone.

2) flying overhead of the laboratory

The world of the world of China has the world of the world of the global times global global global global global global global global and global global global global global global global. Last year, Taiwan’s defense minister warned that the closer you come to our island, we will retaliate with more force.

3) Testing of Activities

China did summer pollution in the summer of 1995.

4) Economy Penalty

To do commercial business. Climate change and climate change.

5) Opposing:

Published by Global Times.

6) Holding on to an island

However, your Excellency’s expectation of CHAP is low. They accompanied Yadad to join Lava’s army.