Chutney Health Benefits – Give your food an instant boost of good health

No matter what your meal, a dash of chutney can instantly elevate the taste and experience. Be it tangy peanut chutney or refreshing mint chutney, there are tons of delicious chutney recipes here. We pair them with snacks, enjoy them with parathas or even use them as a dip with chips! Apart from enhancing the taste of food, chutney can give your meals an instant boost of good health. Believe it or not, the humble chutney actually offers a host of health benefits. We have gathered some amazing and incredible health benefits of chutney for you. read on!

What are the benefits of chutney?

Many health experts and nutritionists often recommend having chutney with your meals – not only to enhance the taste but also to enhance the nutritional value of the food. According to celebrity nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar, “sauce A delicious way to introduce spices, fiber, and phytonutrients that are hard to find and difficult for the body to digest.”

Although in modern times, chutney is prepared in a mixer or blender – but when it is hand-whipped in an insulating material, its health benefits are enhanced. “Stones or wood are poor conductors of heat and when chutneys are made in them, their flavor, aroma, color and taste along with the nutrients are retained,” explains Diwekar.

(Also Read: These 7 Homemade Chutney Recipes Go Best With Your Meals,

Chutney goes well with any type of food. Photo credit: Ashwin Rajagopalan

Here are 5 chutney health benefits you should know:

1. For healthy digestion

Since the chutney is made from fresh ingredients and is completely raw, it is rich in fiber. It aids in the digestion process and smoothens the bowel movements. The chutney is also light on the stomach and packs a ton of flavor without burdening the intestines. If you use ingredients like walnuts, peanuts, apples or peas in your sauce, it will further increase the fiber content.

2. Helps Detox

many are not aware of this sauce What a great way to detox! Freshly ground chutney is rich in antioxidants that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Fresh herbs such as coriander, mint and curry leaves, as well as spices such as mustard, turmeric and chilli, can further enhance the health benefits of the chutney.

(Also Read: 5 South Indian Chutney Recipes You Must Try,


The herbs and spices used in chutneys can be great for a number of reasons. Photo: iStock

3. For good skin

Forget to eat fruits and vegetables, but still want healthy, supple skin? Chutney is all you need. Loaded with the goodness of vitamins and minerals, depending on which recipe you follow, chutney is definitely a great option for glowing skin. So, dive in without a worry!

4. Rich in Iron

Chutney has been given the tag of a health remedy by our grandmothers, and it is time we follow their advice. sauce Dishes such as coriander, curry leaves, and even spinach can provide the body with the required iron content, and thus help in building heart health as well.

5. Increases immunity

With an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it’s no surprise that chutney can help boost immunity too! Consuming ingredients rich in vitamin C such as lemon juice, tomatoes, raw mangoes, or even guavas can be a great way to get your dose of immunity during the day.

(Also Read: 5 Chutney Recipes You Can Prepare in 10 Minutes or Less,


Even chutneys like amla or phalsa can boost immunity. Photo: iStock

Which chutney is healthier? , Easy and Healthy Chutney Recipe

When it comes to chutney, there are a variety of options out there. Experts suggest that the healthiest sauces are those that are low in fat and sugar. If you are looking for some healthy and delicious chutney recipes, we have got what you need. These chutney recipes are not only nutritious but also super easy to make.

click here For some healthy chutney recipes.

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