Cinnamon may help you learn and remember things better – experts explain

An Indian kitchen is a storehouse of all things healthy, rich and wise. We find a range of spices on the spice rack that are aromatic and flavourful and add richness to Indian cuisine. He is not everything. All these spices are also super nutritious. Rich in many essential nutrients, they have been a part of traditional medicine since time immemorial. One such spice that rules our daily lives is Cinnamon (Dal Chini). It is widely used to add a distinct flavor to our food and also comes with several healing properties. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties that help boost overall immunity. It also helps boost brain health, says a new study. The study, published in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience, states that cinnamon has certain properties that help boost cognitive processes such as memory and learning. Let us tell you about it in detail.

Read also: 6 Reasons Why You Should Drink Cinnamon Water Daily

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Does Cinnamon Improve Brain Function?

cinnamon And its benefits need no separate introduction. Numerous studies around the world have found evidence of its positive effects on weight, blood sugar levels, heart health and more. Adding to all these benefits, the new study found that certain nutrients in the spice may also be great for boosting our memory. They found that components in cinnamon—cinnamic acid, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde—had a positive effect on human brain function. The study was conducted by researchers from Birjand University of Medical Sciences

Cinnamon for memory and learning – here’s what the experts say:

Researchers conducted two clinical studies focusing on the effects of cinnamon Consumption in young adults and prediabetic adults who were younger than 60 years of age. The first group of people were asked to chew “cinnamon gum sticks”; Another group of people, prediabetic adults, were asked to eat “two grams of white bread with cinnamon”.

Cinnamon for memory and learning – here’s what the experts found:

The results of the study revealed:

  • The first group of participants (young adults) experienced improved cognitive and memory function.
  • The first group of participants also experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety.
  • The other group of participants (pre-diabetics) had little to no change in cognitive function.

The researchers, therefore, hypothesized, “Cinnamon and its compounds have beneficial effects on cognition and learning”.

Keeping all these things in mind, we say include it in your daily diet to fully enjoy the benefits of cinnamon. And always remember, moderation is the key. Meanwhile, we bring you some effective ways to include cinnamon in your daily diet.

Read also: Cinnamon Milk: 5 Health Benefits Of Spiced Milk And How To Make It


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Here are 5 ways to include cinnamon in your diet:

1. Cinnamon Water:

you can detox water With cinnamon and take it early in the morning. All you need to do is soak half an inch of cinnamon stick in a glass of water overnight and drink it the next morning.

2. Cinnamon Tea:

People who start their day with hot water can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder while boiling the water. Boil it on medium flame for 5-7 minutes, filter and drink Tea,

3. Substitution of Sugar:

Cinnamon is a natural sweetener. This means that you can add cinnamon powder to your desserts, instead of sugar, to make your desserts tasty and aromatic at the same time.

4. As a spice:

This is probably the most common form of consuming cinnamon. Add it to your sabzi or use it as a tadka in your dal and enjoy.

5. Decorative Elements:

As mentioned earlier, cinnamon is a natural sweetener and also has a rich aroma. So, you can sprinkle some cinnamon powder on your breakfast smoothie or oatmeal bowl (or any dish) and reap its full benefits.

Eat Healthy, Stay Fit!

Note: Dietary recommendations are not part of the study.

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