Civilization will crumble if…: Elon Musk sounds another alarm. what did they say

Tesla boss Elon Musk raised another alarm about the declining birth rate, saying ‘I am concerned about the birth rate’ and further advised that ‘people should have enough children to sustain civilization’. Even before this, the tech billionaire criticized targeted measures towards population control. Just a few months ago, Musk cited an article that said a ‘falling birth rate that could lead to a possible ‘population collapse’ in the near future. However, the article was specific to China. He remarked, “Most people still think China has a one-child policy. Despite having a three-child policy, China had the lowest birth rate ever last year! At the current birth rate, China has one child per generation.” Will lose ~40% of people! Population collapse.”

for a long time, musk He has been vocal about his concerns about the declining birth rate. He often rejected the idea that having more children is harmful to the environment, so people are choosing not to have children.

Musk said in an interview, ‘Population decline is the biggest threat to civilization. On another example, he tweeted: “Contrary to what many people think, the richer someone is, the fewer children they have. I’m a rare exception.”

“It’s total bullshit.”

“Some people think that having fewer children is better for the environment. Even if we double the population, the environment will be fine. I know a lot of environmental things … Japan had the lowest birth rate. Sustain civilization It is necessary to have children in order to survive. We cannot allow civilization to decline,” Musk said.

World still needs oil and gas: Musk

On Monday, speaking at a conference, the Tesla boss also remarked, the world must continue to extract oil and gas to maintain civilization, while also continuing to develop sustainable sources of energy.

“Actually I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term, because otherwise civilization will crumble,” Musk said.

“One of the biggest challenges the world has ever faced is the transition to sustainable energy and a sustainable economy … which will take a few decades to complete.”

(with inputs from agencies)

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