Colour, colour, in what color do you see the palace?

Last Update: April 27, 2023, 08:00 IST

can you decode it? (Photo: Instagram)

The optical illusion consists of three images side by side of a palace. Each palace has different colored stripes.

Optical illusions have always been a fascinating and fun way to trick our eyes and brains. They can be found everywhere from street art to social media platforms. Recently, a new optical illusion has been making waves on Instagram, and it’s got everyone perplexed. The illusion consists of three pictures of a palace side by side. Each palace has different colored stripes. And at first glance it seems as if the palaces are of different colours. However, upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that the palaces are actually the same color. This is not the first time that optical illusion has taken the internet by storm. From the infamous “dress” color debate to the “Yani or Laurel” audio confusion, we’re no strangers to these mind-boggling incidents.

But this illusion, in particular, is a testament to the power of our visual perception and how easily it can be fooled by context and contrast. Our brains are hardwired to see patterns and interpret visual information quickly, but in some situations, this can lead to false perceptions. This particular illusion has garnered a lot of attention on Instagram, with users amazed at how a simple trick can produce such a powerful effect. Many have commented on the post expressing disbelief and admiration for the simple illusion.

Optical illusions are a reminder of how easily our perceptions can be manipulated and how important it is to approach information with a critical eye. They also demonstrate the creative potential of artists and designers who can use visual tricks to create mesmerizing works of art. In a world where social media is inundated with information, these illusions serve as a welcome pause, inviting us to pause and appreciate the wonders of our visual perception. So the next time you come across an optical illusion, take a moment to marvel at the power of your mind and the creative potential of the human spirit. Try it for yourself right here:

If you are someone who loves optical illusions and looking for a way to test your observation skills. They are not only entertaining and captivating but also provide an excellent mental workout. A recent viral picture shared on an Instagram page of Optical Illusion is a classic example of such a puzzle. The picture shows a man in a swimming pool with a child on his back. At first glance, it appears that the child’s head is missing, leaving onlookers perplexed. However, looking carefully, it can be seen that the outline of the child’s face is hidden in shadow on the man’s forehead.

The caption of the picture read, “took a second” with a laughing emoticon, challenging viewers to solve the illusion. Many people failed to understand the photo, mistaking the child’s body for a backpack or a man’s clothes. But looking closely at the man’s smile on the face one can see the dark shadow that outlines the child’s face.

were you able to decode the picture?

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