“Congress government in Rajasthan is in minority,” said BJP delegation after meeting the president

Jaipur, Rajasthan) [India]Oct 18 (ANI): A Rajasthan Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) delegation on Tuesday met state Assembly Speaker CP Joshi and submitted a memorandum seeking the Speaker’s stand on the alleged resignations of ruling Congress MLAs.

Leader of Opposition in Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Gulab Chand Kataria said, “Delay in taking decisions has led to a state of chaos in Rajasthan. BJP waited for several days and submitted a memorandum to the Speaker today to take a decision without delay.

“There is uncertainty about the status of those who have resigned (Congress MLAs) in Rajasthan. Are they still ministers? As the decision has not been taken, the BJP asked the president to stop it and take a decision so that people know the situation,” Kataria told reporters.

A BJP delegation met State Assembly Speaker CP Joshi at his residence in Jaipur.

BJP MLA Ramlal Sharma said, “The Congress MLAs had accepted that they were resigning (during the Rajasthan crisis). So, a decision must be made. The Speaker should make his stand clear.”

“We will make all the demands as per the rule (when asked whether they will demand a floor test in the assembly). As per the statements of the leaders, the state government is in minority,” Sharma said.

Earlier on Monday, Congress leader Sachin Pilot said that the party is considering how to form the government again in Rajasthan.

“In the last 30 years, whenever the Congress government comes to Rajasthan, it is unable to win the elections again and loses badly. We will do whatever we have to do to win the election and work hard together.

Speaking on the next CM face for Rajasthan elections, he said that the party will take a decision at the right time.

“There is an election in Rajasthan after 12 months and we will win,” he said. (ANI)

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