control in punjab

Making Rail Roko in Punjab better.


Particularly blank space in Punjab has been removed. Changes will be decided after a meeting to change the management of changing account according to the changing phases of agriculture. The pathologist of the farmer worker (infection) to the disease specialist (cateskit) effectively posed as a ‘rail roko’, as compared to the disease.

this also further

After the full implementation of agronomy for agriculture, agriculture would be eco-friendly, as opposed to the environment, for agriculture.

During the meeting with Kesha, as well as communication when Batsmati 17.

The State of Effective statement said that Sarwan Singh Pandher said that his ‘Rail Roko’ would be changed after the meeting with the subsequent dialogue. Pandher said that during the meeting during the conversation

Channi prorogued the period, with conversations exchanged on the occasion of the sharing of state president Satnam Singh Pannu. The tar was the gem of trance in Natarn Taran, Hotkarpur, Phallik, Moga and Jakhandhar Cantonment.

(Line for headline, this kind of team said the team, it’s written by Cindy.)
