Convince Western nations to halt the ‘genocide in Gaza’: Congress to govt.

Congress General Secretary in-charge (Communications) Jairam Ramesh.
| Photo Credit: ANI

The Congress party on November 17 called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It urged the government of India to “pressurise the United States and the European Union (EU) to use their influence to stop the violence by Israel”.

Congress general secretary (communication) Jairam Ramesh said “Israel’s actions following Hamas’ condemnable attack on their citizens are genocidal”. He added that dehumanising language was being used by some Israeli ministers against Palestinians and was similar to the language that preceded the Holocaust.

West must intervene

“The Indian National Congress urges the Government of India to do all it can to pressurise the governments of the USA, and the EU so that they may use their power to stop the violence being committed by Israel in Gaza,” Mr. Ramesh said.

“How many more lives will have to be taken before our collective conscience is stirred and awakened?” he asked.

Also read | UNSC adopts resolution calling for urgent humanitarian pauses and corridors in Gaza

The Congress leader noted that targeting of civilians, women and children, hospitals and shelters violate the values of humanity and every international norm of war. He said after blockading fuel, power, medicines, anaesthetics and humanitarian aid for weeks on end, hospitals are now being militarily targeted.

“Even premature infants have been deprived of medical care, this is a horrific and unprecedented development even in times of war. Over 10,000 people have been killed of which more than half are children. The WHO has recorded that one child is being killed every ten minutes in Gaza,” Mr. Ramesh said.

The Congress claimed that statements of genocidal intent were being made by the top Israeli leadership.

“PM Netanyahu has himself called for turning parts of Gaza “to rubble” and has called the wanton killing of men, women, and children “collateral damage”….It is shocking that many influential countries, that choose to speak the language of human rights and justice when convenient, are lending their unstinting support to Israel’s actions,” Mr. Ramesh said and asserted that double standards are being applied in Ukraine and in Gaza.

“The need of the hour is to de-escalate and to declare a ceasefire immediately. The world cannot watch in silence as a second Nakba unfolds and the ethnic cleansing and dispossession of the Palestinians, as was done in 1948, is carried out once again with impunity,” he added.