Coronavirus: Do you need a COVID booster shot? – times of India

The number of COVID-19 cases is on the rise again and the world is preparing for the third wave to arrive. India has seen a spurt in COVID-19 cases in the last few days. During this time of uncertainty, COVID-19 vaccines and COVID booster shots have become our only hope. The vaccines are considered safe and effective, and everyone is advised to register to receive the jab.

India has come out with guidelines on booster or precautionary doses. With the new surge in COVID-19 cases and the new Omron variant, the booster dose/precautionary dose seems to be a sigh of relief. The precaution/booster dose will begin on January 10, 2022, with front-line workers and adults 60 years of age or older.

As per the new guidelines, the dose is given 9 months/39 weeks after the completion of the second dose of covid Vaccination. Side effects similar to those reported in the previous two doses such as fever, muscle aches, headache, pain/swelling at the injection site. Any unusual side effect or symptom lasting more than a few days should be reported immediately. Individuals must receive the same vaccine as the previous dose and unlike in other countries, no mix-and-match is allowed. For example, people who have taken two doses of COVISHIELD are advised to take the COVISHIELD booster shot and those who have taken COVAXIN should get the COVAXIN booster shot.

One has to be vigilant to follow the safety protocols as vaccination alone may not be enough to fight the pandemic and emerging forms. Along with the booster dose, the Government of India has also permitted the administration of COVAXIN in children aged 15 years and above with effect from January 3, 2022.

What is a COVID Booster Dose?

Simply put, a COVID booster dose is another dose of vaccine. A booster dose is usually given in diseases where immunity is reduced, such as in the case of measles or rubella vaccines. The first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine stimulates the body and the second dose boosts the immune system. In both shots, memory cells that remember the virus are produced, and they help if the virus re-infects the body. They are produced in greater numbers with the second dose and help fight infection even when antibody levels decrease over time. If these memory cells are challenged with a COVID booster vaccine dose, they will induce a more robust immune response – more antibodies will be produced and these antibodies will have affinity maturation, meaning the antibodies have increased potency. binds more strongly with.

The question of whether to take a COVID booster dose started from the time vaccination was introduced around the world. Some countries have been giving COVID booster doses to certain groups of their population for a few months now.

The CDC issued guidelines suggesting that booster doses should be given to organ transplant recipients or patients with compromised immune systems.

This is because the first dose response to them is lower than for the general population. Although they are vaccinated with two doses, one study showed an increased rate of infection after vaccination (successful infection) in these individuals.

The CDC recommends booster shots for moderately-severely immunocompromised individuals — including:

– On active treatment for malformations of the blood

– Taking immunosuppressant medication after an organ transplant

– Have had a stem cell transplant or are taking immunosuppressant medication in the past 2 years

– Genetic disorders in which the immune system is moderately to severely compromised (eg: Wiskott Aldrich syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome)

HIV is in an advanced stage or has not been treated

– at high doses of corticosteroids that cause immunosuppression

Is a COVID Booster Shot Recommended for Everyone?

There are questions about whether a COVID booster dose is needed only in immunocompromised people or in all individuals. When the country is battling with the spike in COVID cases with the latest Omron version, the booster shot certainly looks like an optimistic step for all individuals. There is no data on whether the COVID booster dose will cause more side effects than the first two doses.

News about COVID booster doses should not create fear among the public about the efficacy of existing doses.

We need sufficient data to prove that reduced immunity, particularly in severe disease in general, as well as in high-risk populations or mutants, is causing a decline in immunity.

About Dr Sreelekha Daruvuri:

Dr. Sreelekha Daruvuri, MBBS with 5+ years of experience working as Primary Care Physician on mfine. He initially worked in corporate hospitals and then worked as a resident at JIPMER for 2 years. She believes in a holistic approach to health care. She is also a public speaker, a blog writer and is interested in spreading awareness on health through digital media.
