Coronavirus India Updates: Infant dies, 1,773 new cases

COVID-19 in India recorded 24 percent of the nominees.

If a child will die due to corona virus in the state, then this will happen in this state if the total number of members is 3,871. This information by the Health Department, meanwhile, 1,773 cases of infection have been reported in the state.

Here are the updates on coronavirus case update in Hindi

4,000 new incidents, five murders

4,000 are harmful according to new statistics. Due to bad condition, 24 in bad condition 1,295 in state capital Revati, 906 corona virus in Jamshedpur were found in bad condition. (Language)

Infected people killed in Punjab, more than 6 thousand news

In the case of infection, 6,083 new infected cases have been reported. According to the medical bulletin, the total number of collinear cases in the state so far is 6,42,182 then taking the total number of people who lost their lives to the pandemic to 16,708. In Patiala, Hoshiarpur, one infected and one person will die in Mohali due to infection. The infection rate in the state is 17.02 percent. (Language)
