“Coronavirus is the perfect storm for heart”: Doctor shares why you should watch out for heart rate spikes post COVID – Times of India

covid The complications are many and unfortunately they are serious in most of the cases. More than 2 years into the pandemic, we have started to normalize wearing masks, keeping hands clean and avoiding public gatherings. But the important question is, how far have we been able to understand the complexities of post-Covid?

It is wrong to think that once the COVID infection subsides, we are finished coronavirus and are safe forever. COVID affects many parts of the body, and the effects persist even after infection. Even after getting cured, this respiratory disease is seen affecting the people of lungs, heart, stomach.

“COVID-19 is a perfect storm for the heart – a statement issued by the World Heart Federation (WHF) at the beginning of the pandemic turned out to be true. COVID is a pro-inflammatory condition and leads to inflammation of the heart which may manifest as myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle) or pericarditis which is an inflammation of the sac containing the heart,” says Dr Praveen P Suthermin, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist , says Narayana Health City, Bangalore.

COVID and heart rate

Many people have seen an increase in heart beat after recovering from COVID. Normal heart rate varies between 60 and 100; An increase in this, leading to a condition called tachycardia, is a cause for concern. In COVID, many patients have complained of several heart related problems such as experiencing rapid heartbeat even after recovery.

Tachycardia is a condition in which an increase in heart rate is observed; It can start either in the lower chambers of the heart called the ventricles or in the upper chambers called atria.

Many people after COVID experience a rapid heartbeat, even with light activities. People who worked together for hours before COVID felt an accelerated heart rate after COVID. In such a situation, even after doing small physical activities like walking for short distances, the heartbeat increases up to 95-100. While in many patients the condition gets better after some time, in many others it persists for some time. Also, fluctuating heartbeats are devastating for people who have a previous record of heart diseases.

A 2021 research study published in the Lancet showed that in the week following a COVID-19 diagnosis, the risk of having a first heart attack increased three to eight-fold. The study, which was conducted on 87,000 people, of which 57% were women, also found that in the following weeks, the risk of blood clots and heart attack decreased steadily, but remained elevated for at least a month.

A similar observation was revealed by the COVID Symptom Study app. The app found that COVID-19 is a cause of irregular and increased heart rate. The app has over 4 million users worldwide.

“Fever and infection cause the heart rate to accelerate, which increases the work of the heart in COVID-19 patients who develop pneumonia. Blood pressure may drop or rise, placing further stress on the heart, and as a result Increased oxygen demand can lead to heart damage, especially if the heart’s arteries or muscles were initially unhealthy,” says a report from Harvard Health.

Experts also link COVID to heart problems like myocarditis and pericarditis. “Outcomes are worse for COVID patients with cardiovascular disease and multiple studies have reported acute heart injury ranging from 8% to 62% and associated with greater disease severity, including the need for mechanical ventilation and death,” Dr. Sadermin says.

“Coronavirus infection also affects the inner surfaces of veins and arteries, which can lead to blood vessel inflammation, damage to very small vessels and blood clots, all of which can block blood flow to the heart or other parts of the body. can compromise,” explains expert John Hopkins.

Complications arising due to high heart rate

“Tachycardia secondary to a heart condition is always harmful and requires immediate treatment. The heart rate can go up to 150-200 beats per minute and can be potentially fatal,” says Dr. Suthermin. And explains that, “with each heartbeat,” the heart performs its basic function of pumping blood to the rest of the body. The electrical system and the mechanical system of the heart are in sync and with each beat, a certain amount of blood is pumped to the rest of the body. The faster the heart begins to beat, the less blood it will pump, and with a very fast heart rate, the heart stops pumping blood and begins to flutter without pumping activity. There will be less blood supply to the brain and the patient will experience dizziness. Fall and die.”

Dr. Sameer Dani, Senior Interventional Cardiologist and Director, Apollo CVHF, Ahmedabad says that an increased heart rate affects the physical fitness of a person and people with high heart rate do not have good heart health and adds that low variability And people with a high heart rate are more likely to have a heart attack and other heart disorders, such as heart failure. “Fit people like athletes have low heart rates,” he says.

warning signs

Many symptoms appear after COVID in people. Heart palpitations, dizziness, chest discomfort, severe fatigue, shortness of breath are some of the signs of poor heart health, say experts at Johns Hopkins.

Hence it is imperative to understand all the symptoms and seek medical help at the earliest.

Dr Dani says that once the heartbeat crosses 100 beats per minute, noticeable changes like palpitations, breathlessness and restlessness begin to appear.

risk factors to know

One study found that compared to control groups, COVID patients were 1.7 times more likely to develop cardiac disorders, 1.5 times more likely to develop stroke and 1.7 times more likely to have heart rhythm disturbances.

Also read: 1 in 20 people are likely to experience this side effect from the COVID-19 booster shot

“Patients who are at risk of developing heart problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, smokers also have a higher risk of developing severe heart-related COVID. It is therefore very important to adequately address these risk factors to reduce the overall risk of heart disease, Dr. Suthermin says and emphasizes regular follow-up with a cardiologist. “The very long-term effects of COVID are still unknown,” he says.

Which tests should ideally be done?

Experts say that if you see any symptoms related to heart problems, then get ECHO and ECG test done.

Linking COVID hospitalization to a greater focus on heart health, Dr. Sadermin says, “If you have significant COVID that requires hospitalization or oxygen therapy, you may need to do a basic ECG and echo test. For PTSD, one should get checked by a cardiologist after complete recovery. Needless to say that you should consult your cardiologist if you are suffering from symptoms like chest pain or breathlessness. ”

  1. What is normal heart rate?
    The normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
  2. How does COVID affect heartbeat rate?
    In many people, COVID causes an increased heartbeat rate, leading to a condition called tachycardia. Experts also link COVID to heart problems like myocarditis and pericarditis.
  3. What are the symptoms of COVID induced heart problems?
    Palpitations, dizziness, chest discomfort, severe fatigue and shortness of breath are some of the common symptoms of a COVID-induced heart problem.
  1. What is normal heart rate?
    The normal resting heart rate for adults is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
  2. How does COVID affect heartbeat rate?
    In many people, COVID causes an increased heartbeat rate, leading to a condition called tachycardia. Experts also link COVID to heart problems like myocarditis and pericarditis.
  3. What are the symptoms of COVID induced heart problems?
    Palpitations, dizziness, chest discomfort, severe fatigue and shortness of breath are some of the common symptoms of a COVID-induced heart problem.
  4. What tests should be done to check heart health?
    Experts recommend that ECHO and ECG test be done if you see any symptoms related to heart problems.