coup in burkina faso

Burkina Faso, once known as one of the most stable countries in West Africa, has been mired in a deadly cycle of jihadist violence since 2015. Monday’s coup, in which Rebel soldiers overthrow a democratically elected government President Roch Marc Christian Cabore was a direct result of this growing instability, which the government had failed miserably to deal with. Mr. Kabore was elected president in 2015, around the same time that jihadists affiliated with Al Qaeda and Islamic State were expanding into the Sahel region. He transformed the vast countryside of this landlocked country surrounded by Mali and Niger – both shaken by Islamic violence – into non-government areas. Over the past seven years, at least 2,000 people have died and more than a million displaced in this country of 22 million people. The army and large sections of civilians saw the Kabore government as ineffective, corrupt and out of touch with the ground realities. The coronavirus pandemic and its associated economic crisis have also pushed the people of Burkinabe into further misery. A few days ago a rebellion broke out in the streets of the capital city of Ouagadougou, which was followed by a rebellion. The soldiers quickly moved around the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

West Africa has seen several successful coups in recent months. In September 2021, special forces in Guinea overthrew the government and seized power. In Mali, the military conducted a coup in May 2021, the second time in less than a year. In Chad, the president was killed in conflict in April, after Sudan saw the military throwing out a power-sharing agreement it had reached with. Civil revolutionaries and taking the levers of the state into their own hands. The ease with which the generals took power in all these countries should be a warning to other elected governments on the continent. While assuming power, all of these military leaders promised elections, but soon their focus shifted to tightening their grip on power, not solving the crises they would face by grabbing power or creating a legitimate government. used to allow infection. The story in Burkina Faso is no different. The coup was reportedly welcomed by protesters on the streets of Ouagadougou. This is understandable because people fed up with jihadi violence and the state’s inability to deal with it would have thought that men in uniform could at least provide them with better protection. But this support may be short-lived as the power-hungry junta faces a spate of terrorist machinery spread across the Sahel, as well as post-coup political divisions and instability at home. The coup is not a solution to many of the crises facing these countries. Rather, juntas who lack political legitimacy make them worse.
