Covid-19: 1 in 3 Indians think the fourth wave has started

As many states show signs of rising Covid-19, at least one in three Indians believe a fourth wave of infections has begun.

According to a survey conducted by LocalCircles, 29% of the 11,563 people said citizens fourth wave “Not likely in 2022” and 4% said it would not strike “for at least six months”.

In addition, 13% said it would start in May-June; And 7% think in July-August”, and 4% in September-October.

According to the survey results, “On an overall basis, one in three Indians believe that the fourth Covid wave has started in India.”

Furthermore, noting that the preparedness of the central and state governments after the second wave did not cause Omicron to create a dire situation, the majority, 55% of the 12,609 citizens, are “highly convinced” that India will do things in the event of a fourth wave. able to handle it effectively.

A total of 29% said they are “somewhat confident” that the government is capable of handling any potential surge, 4% said they have “very little confidence” and 8% of citizens are not at all confident.

“This is largely based on the experience of the third Covid wave. However, if the virus becomes more severe, it has the potential to test the country’s vulnerable health infrastructure like the delta version,” the survey results said.

Also, many states and districts have stopped reporting daily COVID cases since February this year due to a drop in infections. As the surge is being witnessed once again, a majority 83% of the 12,064 citizens want the Union Health Ministry to make it mandatory for states and districts to publish this data daily.

The survey reveals, based on inputs from scientists, epidemiologists, virologists and pediatricians, data on the risk of re-infection by the infectious nature of the COVID variants and sub-variants, and the survey findings, regarding masking. It requires a conservative approach, social distancing and other restrictions.

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