Cow should be made national animal, its protection is a fundamental right of Hindu: Allahabad High Court | Allahabad News – Times of India

Prayagraj: Cow should be declared as the national animal and its protection should be made a fundamental right of Hindus, because when the culture and faith of the country gets hurt, the country becomes weak. Allahabad High Court On Wednesday, the bail of the accused person was rejected cow killing.
Refusal to grant bail to Javed of Sambhal district of UP Justice Shekhar Kumar Yadav Its 12-page judgment states that the applicant killed the cow after stealing it, beheaded it and also kept its meat.
The court said, “This is not the first offense of the applicant. Earlier also he had committed cow slaughter due to which the harmony of the society was disturbed.” Crime which will pollute the environment of the society.
Rejecting the bail application, the court further observed, “Fundamental right is not only the prerogative of those who eat beef. Rather, those who worship cow and are financially dependent on them also have the right to lead a purposeful life.” The right to life is above the right to kill and the right to eat beef can never be considered a fundamental right.”
The court said, ‘The government will also have to bring a bill in the Parliament and declare cows as the national animal and make strict laws against those who talk about harming them. Law should also come for those who talk about cow protection by making cowsheds etc. But they have nothing to do with cow protection. Their only aim is to earn money in the name of cow protection.”
The court said, “Cow protection and propaganda is not about any one religion, but cow is the culture of India and the task of saving the culture rests with every citizen living in the country, irrespective of religion or worship.”
“There are hundreds of examples in our country that whenever we forgot our ‘sanskriti’ (culture), foreigners attacked us and made us slaves. Even today if we don’t wake up, we will be attacked and captured by the autocratic Taliban. of Afghanistan,” the court observed.
“India is the only country in the world where people of different religions live, who may worship differently, but they have the same thinking for the country and they respect each other’s religions. They follow customs and respect the food habits.In such a situation when everyone takes a step forward to unite India and support its faith, some people who have no faith in the interest of the country, they try to weaken it commit such acts.”
Emphasizing on the importance attached to the cow, the court observed, “It is not only that Hindus have understood the importance of cows, the Muslim rulers have also considered the cow as an important part of the culture of India during their reign. Baburihandjob Humayun And Akbar He had banned cow slaughter in his religious festivals. Hyder Ali, the ruler of Mysore, made cow slaughter a cognizable offence. Three members of the cow protection committee formed by the UP government in 1953 were Muslims and were committed to a complete ban on cow slaughter.”


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