CRED CEO Kunal Shah reveals his salary, internet abuzz

Kunal Shah said that he gets a monthly salary of Rs 15,000.

Kunal Shah, CEO of fintech company CRED, on Sunday conducted an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on Instagram, where he revealed his salary. Mr. Shah said that he gets a monthly salary of Rs.15,000 and also gave the reason for the same.

The answer was in response to a user’s question: “Your salary at CRED is so low? How do you survive?” In response to the same, Mr. Shah said, “I don’t believe I should get a good salary as long as the company is profitable. My salary at CRED is Rs 15,000 per month and I can survive because I have started my company FreeCharge.” Previously sold.

The screenshot of the story was shared on Twitter by user Ajit Patel. He wrote with the screenshot, “If there are CEOs who get salary in crores, then we have Kunal Shah.”

The post has garnered over 2,000 likes and 1.4 lakh views since being shared. However, Mr Shah’s response has left the internet divided. While some laud the move by the CEO, others say it is just a way to save tax.

“Very impressive,” commented one user.

One user said, “Humble and flexible in one sentence. His words always inspire me to be curious.”

Read also: MMakes a “Next-Level Pitch” for a Job on Credit, the Internet Is Impressed

Another person commented, “He is also an angel investor and has invested in more than 500 startups. When he exits his angel investment will also give him income.”

Another user said, “Who is the fool here who thinks that taking home 15k makes a difference to his life? I mean that guy sold his startup worth hundreds of crores. That’s loads “

One internet user said, ‘He should take his salary in CRED coins.’

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