‘Crossed all limits’: AAP vs BJP LG writes letter to Delhi CM on Education Department; Teachers visit to Finland IFFI

Last Update: January 21, 2023, 15:55 IST

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, along with Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and other AAP MLAs, on Monday took out a protest march towards the office of Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena. (Photo: PTI)

In a letter written to Kejriwal on Friday, the LG tried to put Delhi’s AAP government in the dock by raising several issues related to the city’s education sector.

What began with a series of allegations against Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena for sending Delhi school teachers to Finland for training has now sparked another debate with him criticizing Delhi teachers. Education The department has written a letter to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

Naturally, it has taken a political turn between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) contesting. Deputy CM Manish Sisodia on Saturday accused LG Saxena of leveling “false allegations” against the education department and making a “mockery” of teachers working in the national capital.

Later, AAP leader Saurabh Bhardwaj made a big claim and challenged Saxena to compare the education of his children with that of Delhi students. “With a lot of effort, Delhi’s education system has improved. And then, someone from Gujarat comes and insults the children of Delhi by getting the article published on the front page. It’s a shame.” he said.

The children of Delhi are more capable than the children of the Lt Governor and I challenge them to prove otherwise. What education has he given to his children and what is CM Kejriwal giving to the children of Delhi?

In his letter to Kejriwal on Friday, the LG tried to corner the AAP government in Delhi by raising several issues related to the city’s education sector.

He said that the average attendance in government schools is falling every year, from 70.73 per cent in 2012-2013 to 60.65 per cent in 2019-2020. He also questioned the AAP government’s claims on students moving from private schools to government schools.

Responding to the LG’s allegations, Sisodia said the figures provided by him were false and that he “maligned” the entire education system of the national capital with his statement.

“LG wrote the letter with a political motive and said that no work has been done in the education department of Delhi. His allegations are an insult to the students and teachers of Delhi. I am requesting the LG not to mock the work of our teachers who have done wonders in the department,” Sisodia, who also holds the education portfolio, wrote to Saxena.

Sisodia on Friday said that in the meantime, the Delhi government has re-sent a proposal to the Lieutenant Governor to allow teachers of its schools to attend a training program in Finland and mentioned that a cost-benefit analysis has been done. went.

Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena had reportedly earlier rejected a similar proposal, asking the Delhi government to analyse.

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