CWG 2022: IOA urges Indian team to limit spending time in public sector

The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) on Tuesday (July 26) issued a statement requesting the Indian contingent at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham not to spend much time in public areas due to COVID-19.

“The Indian Olympic Association requests the Indian contingent at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games not to spend too much time in public places due to the threat of COVID-19, which may endanger the health and participation of the athletes,” IOA said in a statement.

“Players have been instructed to keep public interactions to a minimum and take safety precautions wherever necessary.” added this.

As per the rules, each athlete must also undergo an RT-PCR test for COVID-19 72 hours before arrival in the United Kingdom.

India has fielded a 321 strong contingent which includes 215 athletes and 107 officials and support staff.

A contingent of 215 athletes will represent India in 141 events across 19 sports disciplines.

Apart from Olympic medalists PV Sindhu, Mirabai Chanu, Lovlina Borgohain, Bajrang Punia and Ravi Kumar Dahiya are some of the prominent names in the team. The 2018 Asian Games gold medalists Tajinderpal Singh Toor, Hima Das and Amit Panghal along with defending Commonwealth champions Manika Batra, and Vinesh Phogat.

The Commonwealth Games will be held in Birmingham from 28 July 2022 to 8 August 2022.

The Games are scheduled to be held from 28 July to 8 August and the Indian contingent would like to improve on the performance of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.