Dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in UK; Revelations ‘worrisome’

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in UK pig products are endangering both human and animal health, according to a recent research by the non-profit organization World Animal Protection. According to experts, the “worrying” revelations strengthened the case for increased surveillance.

Tests conducted by the organization and FeraScience on 103 meat samples from UK supermarkets and online retailers detected enterococci in 25 products, according to research released on Tuesday. 23 of them had bacteria that could not be treated with antibiotics.

According to World Animal Protection, the results show that factory farms abuse their drugs. In accordance with EU law, the organization urged the UK to halt the expansion of factory farming and to stop the routine use of antibiotics on healthy animals.

Superbugs are one of a kind enterococci bacteria, which can also cause other diseases such as wounds and urinary tract infections. As The Guardian reports, in the most severe of circumstances, the germs can infect the heart, brain, and circulation.

drug resistant bacterial strains They are a serious threat to public health, and their prevalence is increasing in Europe. Antibiotics have been used extensively in animal production, especially in factory farms, for disease treatment and prevention, which is one of the main reasons bacteria are searching for ways to avoid them.

Most of the drugs a doctor might recommend may not work specifically to treat the disease because it has become resistant to certain types of antibiotics.

The Bureau of Investigative Journalism and the Guardian were the only publications to receive the latest test results, which suggest that UK beef may contain more Enterococci superbugs than previously thought. According to a government study released in 2018, one in every 100 pig and poultry products were tested. Even though organic farmers use a lot fewer antibiotics on their animalsThe latest tests still revealed it in 13 of the 103 samples and in organic meat.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) notes that handling meat hygienically will help reduce the risk and that boiling the meat properly should kill or reduce most bacteria. Always store it separately in the fridge, and after handling, thoroughly wash your hands, your knives, and your cutting board.

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