data | Iran’s performance in key socioeconomic indicators and immediate reasons for protest

The lack of adequate political freedom, the absence of gender equality and repeated economic crises have often triggered protests.

The lack of adequate political freedom, the absence of gender equality and repeated economic crises have often triggered protests.

Earlier this month, 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was detained by Iran’s ethics police for “violating” a mandatory dress code. Although her family was assured that she would be released after a “re-education session”, she died on 16 September after being taken from the detention center to the hospital. His family has opposed the police’s claim that he died of a heart attack due to underlying conditions. Various reports have claimed that Amini was thrashed by police officers after which she slipped into a coma. Amini’s death has triggered protests across Iran. So far more than 75 people have been killed and hundreds injured in the unrest.

Protests in Iran have a long history, triggered by socio-economic and political issues. While the 1977–79 uprisings ousted the country’s oppressive monarchy, the Islamic Republic, which replaced the Pahlavi dynasty, has also been accused of suppressing dissent, with women questioning the enforcement of clothing and other behavioral ethics by the regime. has been raised. Here’s a look at the various protests in the country in recent years, with data showing possible triggers for them.

Charts 1a, 1b and 1c compare Iranian women’s literacy rates, labor force participation rates and women’s share in parliament, respectively, compared to women in other countries for which such data are available. Charts show that although a large section of Iranian women are literate (81%), they have relatively poor economic and political independence. The current unrest may be a reflection of the social awareness of literate Iranian women and their frustration at their economic status and lack of political freedom.

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The regime, beset by economic and political crises, has repeatedly seen large-scale protests over the past four decades. The protests in 2017-18 and 2019, which were triggered by price rise and inflation, reflect this. Chart 1D shows Iran’s per capita GDP was less than $3,000 in 2020. This placed Iran 148 out of 204 countries. Chart 1E shows a poor employment-to-population ratio, which is causing unrest among the youth. These protests have also coincided with sanctions imposed by the US on Iran in recent years.

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In 2009, more than three million protesters took to the streets of Tehran to protest irregularities in presidential elections. According to Chart 1F, Iran performs poorly in political rights, ranking 157th out of 193 countries. As a result of restrictive laws people have to struggle for their basic rights. Chart 1G shows how poor civil liberties are compared to other countries.

Data for political rights and civil liberties was obtained from Freedom House.

Chart 1H shows the poor press freedom ranking in Iran. Methods used by the Iranian government to suppress protests in the country include brute force, restrictions on movements, and digital action. Chart 1I. reflects the nature of Internet freedom in Iran,

Chart 2a shows how Iran’s Human Development Index remains among the poorest in the West Asian region, ranking only below that of Iraq and Yemen.

Chart 2b shows the Human Rights Protection Index for Iran between 1950 and 2019. It fell to its lowest level since 1979. Although the ranking improved in the 1990s, it did not reach the previous high. And it has shown a declining trend since 2014.

The Human Rights Protection Score reflects the extent to which the physical integrity of citizens is protected against government killings, torture, political imprisonment, extrajudicial executions, mass murders and disappearances. Higher score means less such abuses

Iran overthrew the monarchy, but the lack of sufficient political freedom, the absence of gender equality, and recurrent economic crises, some of which stemmed from sanctions, have probably led citizens to protest frequently in the republic, especially in the recent past. in the years.

Source: Our World in Data, World Bank

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