data | Jobs growth in rural India in September

Number of salaried jobs in rural areas hit 20-month high in September

In India, 8.5 million (million) new jobs were created in September 2021, increasing total employment According to CMIE’s consumer pyramid household survey, it grew from 397.8 million in August to 406.2 million. Total employment in September was the highest since March 2020, when the national lockdown came into force. In September, most of the jobs added were in rural India. The construction and manufacturing sectors account for the bulk of these jobs in rural areas. However, jobs in both these sectors have decreased in urban areas. The quality of employment improved significantly as salaried jobs increased in both rural and urban areas.


The graph shows the number of persons employed at the end of every month in four years. Due to the second COVID-19 wave, total employment in April and May was significantly below normal levels. Since then, it has increased steadily and is close to pre-lockdown levels.

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high rural area

Of the 8.5 million added in September 2021, 6.5 million jobs came from rural areas. Nearly 2 million jobs were added in urban areas. Rural India accounted for 69 per cent of jobs in the month.

Rural industry moves forward

Employment gains in rural areas in September were driven by the construction and manufacturing sectors. Both sectors added 7.5 million and 4.7 million jobs, respectively. Interestingly, employment in these sectors has declined in urban areas. On the other hand, the service sector left out workers in rural areas but added workers in urban areas.

Sector Wise Jobs in Rural India

Sector wise Jobs in Urban India

Salaried Jobs Peak

Another positive aspect of employment growth in September was the increase in salaried jobs in rural and urban areas. Such jobs were at their highest level in 20 months in rural areas and the highest level in almost two years in urban areas.

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