Davis Cup: Lost to Prajnesh Vartanen

Ota Vartanen, defying his ranking of 419, played a solid game and defeated 165th-ranked Prajnesh Gunneswaran 6-3, 7-6(1) as hosts Finland won 1 in the Davis Cup World Group tie at Espoo Metro. Took a lead of -0. Arena on Friday.

The 20-year-old Wirtenen, who was in his second Davis Cup tie, played like a champion. He served well, stroked with conviction and kept his composure despite facing a set point in the 12th game of the second set before crossing the finish line in an hour and 25 minutes.

A shaky sixth game of the opening set, when Wirtenen scored some quick winners, saw Prajnesh lose serve and initiative.

In the next game, Verten saved a breakpoint to consolidate his grip on the set and was dismissed in the ninth game.

The 31-year-old Prajnesh did much better in the second set but failed to capitalize on the opportunities that came his way. He saved three breakpoints to put his nose up in the ninth game, but missed a chance in the 11th game.

Wirtenen then saved a set point with an ace in the 12th game and took the set to a tie-breaker. The Finn kept his cool, pulled away from the Indian and won 7–1 to the delight of a sparse gathering in the indoor arena.

Vertenen hit 10 aces and converted one of eight breakpoints to give Finland a 1-0 lead.

For Prajnesh, who lost to Croatia’s Borna Gozo in March last year, his losing streak to opponents was much less than that.

Prajnesh, who made his Davis Cup debut in 2017, has a 2-6 win-loss record. His victories came against Yibing Wu in the fifth rubber against China in 2018 and Sanjar Faiziev of Uzbekistan in Bengaluru in 2017.

Result: Finland leads India 1-0 [Otto Virtanen bt Prajnesh Gunneswaran 6-3, 7-6(1)].


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