Deadly clashes in Beirut raise fears about Lebanon’s plight – World Latest News Headlines

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Armed conflict between sectarian militias turned the Beirut neighborhood into a deadly war zone on Thursday, raising fears that violence could fill the void left by the near-collapse of the Lebanese state.

Rival gunmen, raising slogans in support of their leaders, hid behind cars and dumpsters to fire automatic weapons and rocket-propelled grenades at their rivals. At least six people were killed and 30 were injured. Residents hid in their homes, and teachers swarmed the hallways and basements of schools to protect children from the shootings.

It was the worst violence in Beirut in years to come, adding to a sense of instability in a small country already ravaged by devastation. political and economic crisis And inviting memories of their civil war that ended more than three decades ago.

Since the fall of 2019, Lebanon’s currency has fallen more than 90 percent in value, battering the economy and plunging Lebanese who are comfortably middle-class into poverty. The World Bank has said that Lebanon’s economic collapse could rank among the world’s three worst since the mid-1800s.

severe fuel shortage In recent months the wealthiest Lebanese have been battling long power blackouts and long lines at gas stations. The once infamous banking, medical and education sectors of the country have suffered deep losses, as professionals have fled abroad in search of livelihood.

As the country plunges into deep trouble, its political elite has resorted to bitter infighting. A major explosion in the port of Beirut last year Killed more than 200 people and exposed the consequences many Lebanese saw as decades of poor governance and corruption. The Covid-19 pandemic has only added to the economic crisis and the feeling of despair.

Thursday’s fighting was part of the continuing fallout from the port blast.

Two Shia Muslim parties – Hezbollah, an Iran-backed terrorist group, and the Amal Movement – ​​organized a protest to be removed to investigate the blast and determine who was responsible.

According to witnesses and Lebanese officials, as the demonstrators gathered, gunfire was heard, apparently fired by snipers, into nearby high-rise buildings, and the demonstrators scattered in the streets, where they obtained weapons and were again in the field. Were. Joined.

It was not clear till late Thursday night who fired the first shot.

The clashes broke out in an area spread across two neighbourhoods, one a Shia and the other a stronghold of Lebanese forces, a Christian political party that staunchly opposes Hezbollah.

After nearly four hours of fighting, the Lebanese army was deployed to pacify the streets and clashes appeared to subside, but residents remained in their homes for fear of the potential for violence. For many Beirut residents, the gunfire in the streets recalled the worst days of the civil war that ravaged the once beautiful city for 15 years.

“We stayed in the bathroom for hours, the safest part of the house,” said Lena Haddad, who lives nearby and prevented her daughter from taking pictures from the window for fear that she would be shot.

“I lived a civil war in the past,” Ms. Haddad said. “I know what civil war means.”

Hezbollah officials accused Lebanese forces of launching the shooting, and in a statement, Hezbollah and the Amal movement accused unnamed forces of trying to “draw the country into a deliberate conflict”.

Lebanese army chief Samir Gege condemns violence post on twitterIn reference to Hezbollah’s vast arsenal, saying that the conflict was caused by “uncontrolled and widespread weapons that threaten civilians at all times and places”.

His group accused Hezbollah of taking advantage of sectarian tensions to derail the port’s investigation out of fear that it might be implicated.

Lebanese military executive member Antoine Zahra said, “Hezbollah must now be taught a lesson that it must defame the entire country, its institutions, people and dignity by preventing anyone from expressing their opinion or performing their duties.” ” Can’t.” The board said in a statement.

The Lebanese army said it had arrested nine people from both sides, including a Syrian.

As the night wore on, the country’s president, Michel Aoun, made a televised address, calling for calm while condemning the gunmen who opened fire on the demonstrators and promised that they would be brought to justice. “Our country needs peaceful dialogue, peaceful resolution and respect for our institutions,” he said.

Mr Aun also said that the investigation into the explosion at the port would continue, leading to differences with leaders opposing him.

Violence between religious groups is particularly dangerous in Lebanon, which has 18 recognized sects, including Sunni and various sects of Shia Muslims, Christians and others. The conflict between them and the militias they created defines the country’s politics and has often turned into violence, most devastating during the civil war that ended in 1990.

Sunnis, Shias and Christians are the largest groups in Lebanon, but Hezbollah, which the United States and neighboring Israel consider a terrorist organization, has emerged as the country’s most powerful political and military force. Backed by Iran, Hezbollah has an arsenal of more than 100,000 rockets, pointing to the thousands of fighters sent to Israel and the battlefields in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

Fighting broke out on Thursday, just a month after a billionaire telecom mogul Najib Mikati became prime minister, taking the reins for the third time in a country that lacked a fully empowered government for more than a year.

Calling for a day of mourning on Friday, Mikati ordered the closure of all government buildings and schools for the day.

Mr. Mikati replaces former Prime Minister, Hassan Diab, who resigned along with his cabinet after port explosion.

It was expected that Mr. Mikati would bring some stability as his new government was formed. But at the same time tensions deepened over the investigation of the port.

The explosion at the port was caused by the sudden combustion of about 2,750 tonnes of volatile chemicals that were dumped into the port years ago, but more than a year later no one has been held accountable.

Judge Tarek Bitter, probing the blast, has summoned several powerful politicians and security officials for questioning, which could result in criminal charges against him.

Hezbollah has become increasingly vocal in its criticism of Judge Bitter, and his investigation was suspended this week after two former ministers facing charges filed legal complaints against him.

The victims’ families condemned the move, with critics saying the country’s political leadership was trying to shield itself from accountability for the biggest explosion in the troubled country’s history.

On Monday, the judge issued an arrest warrant for Ali Hussein Khalil, a prominent Shia member of parliament and a close adviser to the leader of the Amal party. The warrant made serious allegations against Mr. Khaleel.

“The nature of the crime,” the document read, “is associated with possible intent to murder, harm, arson and vandalism.”

On Tuesday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah issued some of his scathing criticism of Judge Bitter, accusing him of “politically targeting” officials in his investigation and calling for protests on Thursday.

When Hezbollah followers joined the protest to remove the judge, eyewitnesses said, sniper shots were fired.

Ben Hubbard reported from Beirut and Mark Santora from London. Reporting was contributed by Hwaida Saad and Asma al-Umar from Beirut, and Vivian Yee and Mona al-Nagar from Cairo.

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