“Deaths Underreported”: Top Doctor Rites Bengal Government Over Adenovirus Disease Spread In Children

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special things

  • So far 44 steaks from adenovirus in Bengal.
  • There is no medicine or cure for the virus.
  • Children aged 2-5 years are more at risk of infection.


‘Adenovirus’ disease is taking the form of havoc in West Bengal these days. In the last six hours, four children admitted in a hospital in Kolkata have died. The death toll of children (Adenovirus in West Bengal) is now 44. Meanwhile, Dr. Manas Gumta, general secretary of the Doctors Association of Health Service, has targeted the West Bengal government over adenovirus disease in children. Dr. Manas Gutta has accused the Mamta Banerjee government of West Bengal of underestimating the number of people infected with this virus.

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Talking to news agency ANI, Dr. Manasgutta said, “The first thing we saw during the time of COVID-19 is that the government is not fully engaged in reporting the number of deaths due to adenovirus.” He also said that infections caused by adeno or COVID-19 “are linked internationally”. This means that the government or the World Health Organization is responsible for reporting it.

Dr. Gumta also said that the West Bengal government is preparing to curb the spread of the virus. It is clear from this that no one is happy with the Covid-19 pandemic by the state government. He said, ‘The preparation of the West Bengal government is insufficient. Earlier in the time of Kovid many people had died due to lack of preparedness of the government. There was a crisis of oxygen cylinders. There was a shortage of ambulances. The Drugs and Critical Care Unit (CCU) ward had come under sub pressure. “Now after Covid, adeno virus has come. The government has still not told us about those preparations,” he said.

Children aged 2-5 years are more prone to infection
In children, adenoviruses usually cause infections of the respiratory tract and intestinal tract. According to the statement of the doctors, children of 0-2 years of age are at the greatest risk of getting it. At the same time, children of 2-5 years are more at risk of infection. The risk of infection is less in children of 5-10 years or above.

How accurate is adenovirus and symptoms
The general symptoms of adenovirus are flu-like. These include cold, fever, breathing problems, sore throat, pneumonia and acute bronchitis. The virus can spread through skin contact, eating and sneezing, and through people’s feces. Till now there is no specific medicine or specific treatment to treat the virus.

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