Debina Banerjee’s advice to take cold water bath in fever, let’s know whether you should follow it

Last Update: March 05, 2023, 08:30 IST

Debina Banerjee shared in her Instagram stories that she had a fever of 102 degrees.

Debina Banerjee said she called her doctor who “told me to take a cold shower which I did and told me to hydrate because cells are dehydrated”.

It is not uncommon to fall sick while racing against the clock and performing your duties. When we are down with fever, most of us immediately pop some pills and try to rest. For actress Debina Banerjee, who welcomed a baby girl last year, she also fell ill recently and called up her doctor. According to the actress, the doctor had advised her to take a bath with cold water in case of fever. It is believed that exposure to cold water should be avoided when the body temperature is high. So, let us see whether taking a cold water bath in fever will be of any benefit to you or not.

Debina Banerjee shared in her Instagram stories that she had a fever of 102 degrees. The 39-year-old said she called her doctor who “told me to take a cold shower which I did and told me to hydrate because cells are dehydrated”.

Further in her stories, Debina was seen taking a “multivitamin drip”. Being a lactating mother, Debina also confirmed with her paediatrician, whether she can feed her baby during fever. “The doctor said go ahead. There is no problem in feeding. Now feed the mother’s milk from the bottle.”

Now, Debina is likely to be curious about the cold shower advice she got from her doctor. According to Kingwood Emergency Hospital, the average body temperature is between 36.1°C and 37.2°C. During fever, this temperature rises to 37.8°C or more. To bring down the temperature and get relief from fever, there are several methods in which medicine is the most preferred. But when it comes to bathing during fever, it is recommended not to take cold.

Taking a cold shower may feel soothing but instead of bringing down the fever, it can make you shiver and raise your body temperature further. Doctors recommend that one should take a warm bath, which can make you feel better.

According to Vicks, if you’re down with a fever due to a cold or flu, consider doing some light sponging. This method involves taking a sponge bath with cold water to lower the body temperature. You can also put a cool and damp cloth on your forehead and back of your back.

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