Defense ministers of India and China will meet on Thursday for the first time after the Galvan standoff

Defense Minister Singh also meets Chinese Defense Minister Li

New Delhi:

LAC There is a tussle between the Defense Minister of China, coming on a tour of India. His visit is taking place in connection with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting. He is coming to India only to attend the meeting. However, during this he will also meet Baat Singh on 27 April. Chinese President Xi The visit to India of General Li, considered close to Chinfing, is considered important. The Defense Ministry of China has also issued a statement regarding this visit. The statement said Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister General Li Shangfu will attend a meeting of the Council of Defense Ministers of SCO member states in New Delhi from April 27-28.

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China issued statement

During the meeting, General Li will deliver a message to the conference and the heads of representatives of the respective countries will also meet, the statements said. Gen Lee will also meet with Defense Minister Singh and discuss the progress of military and JEEP talks to resolve the standoff.

commander meeting was positive

Ahead of General Li’s visit, the Chinese Defense Ministry spoke positively about the 18th round of China-India Corps Commanders’ Meeting on April 23 at the Chushul-Moldo border site. China has said that the two sides have agreed to ensure the resolution of relevant issues related to the long-standing standoff in the eastern hinterland besides maintaining peace and tranquility in the border areas. At the same time, the statements of the Ministry of Defense said that there was uncontested friendly and frank views on relevant issues between the two everywhere.

Many important issues can be discussed

Under the guidance of the leaders of the two countries and based on the achievements of the meeting between the two Foreign Ministers, the two sides maintain close communication and communication through military and diplomatic channels, to expedite the relevant issues on the western section of the China-India border, There is an agreement on maintaining peace and tranquility along the border.

Foreign Ministry also issued statements

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ming told the media in Beijing on Monday that the two spoke exclusively to speed up the resolution of related issues. Ning said that in accordance with the important common understanding of the leaders of the two countries, the two elaborated on the views on expeditiously resolving relevant issues. The Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement on Monday that the two sides had a frank and in-depth discussion on the resolution of issues related to the Line of Actual Control (LSI) in the western sector. Both sides agreed to remain in close contact and maintain dialogue through military and diplomatic channels and to work on the statement on the remaining issues as soon as possible.

On the 2nd of last month, S Jaishankar held talks with his Chinese counterpart Chin Kang on the sidelines of a G-20 summit in New Delhi. During that time S Jaishankar had told Chin that there is an unusual situation of India-China behaviour. Sunday’s military talks come nearly four months after the last round of talks between senior military commanders of the two sides.

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