Dehydration: Key Signs And Symptoms To Look Out For This Season

heatwave in indiaYour body becomes dehydrated when it does not have enough water to function properly. Dehydration can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how much body fluid is lost.

With the continuous rise in temperature across the country, health issues like heat stroke, dehydration, restlessness etc. are becoming more frequent. And if you exercise regularly, there’s a good chance you’ll encounter one of these problems sooner rather than later, so if you’re doing a lot of physical activity or sweating a lot, you’re at a higher risk of dehydration. are at risk. It is recommended to keep sipping electrolyte solutions through prolonged exercise.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration is a condition that occurs due to excessive fluid loss from the body. This occurs when your body lacks the fluids it needs to function properly because you are losing more fluids than you are consuming.

What is the cause of dehydration?

You may become dehydrated because:

– Diarrhea

– vomit

– excessive sweating

Passing too much urine, which can be caused by some medicines and diseases

– Fever

– not drinking enough

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

Many of us suffer from uncomfortable symptoms in summer without knowing its root cause.

The key signs and symptoms of dehydration to look out for are:

– intense thirst

– dry mouth

– Tiredness

– Headache

– Dizziness

Medical evidence suggests that being dehydrated over a long period of time can result in constipation, dry skin and pale urine.

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Who is at risk of dehydration?

Some individuals are more likely to become dehydrated:

-Senior Citizens- As they get older, some people lose their sense of thirst and do not get enough water.

– Infants and children are more prone to vomiting or diarrhea

– People with long-term conditions including diabetes, cystic fibrosis, or kidney problems that make them urinate or sweat frequently

– Individuals who take medications that increase their need to urinate or sweat

People who workout or exercise outside in the hot sun

remedies for dehydration

Is drinking water the solution to dehydration? No! Drinking too much plain water without electrolytes can make problems worse by further depleting your electrolyte stores.

You may need to hydrate thoroughly in mild cases. Sports drinks can be helpful if you have lost electrolytes. Other pediatric oral rehydration products are available. All of these are available without a prescription. In hospitals, severe cases may be treated with intravenous (IV) fluids and saline.

Be sure to drink fluids with electrolytes. This can be done by adding sodium, potassium and magnesium to your water. Include fruits like bananas and coconut water as they are rich sources of potassium and naturally occurring electrolytes.

How to get your sodium, magnesium and potassium in your daily diet:

Sodium: Add healthy natural salt such as pink Himalayan salt or sea salt to your water, beverages or foods.

Magnesium: Most of the population today is deficient in magnesium. And it’s hard to get enough from food alone. Our soil is deficient in minerals. Supplementation is the recommended option. Chelated forms such as magnesium glycinate are most effective.

Potassium: Opt for potassium-rich foods like bananas, coconut water, seafood, sweet potatoes and avocados. Supplementation can be done if higher intake is needed but caution should be taken as potassium can be dangerous in high doses.

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ways to prevent dehydration

Keep these tips handy to prevent dehydration, especially during hot summer days, to avoid fainting and discomfort.

Keep a water bottle next to you and in front of people.

Add organic ingredients like fresh strawberries, cucumber, and lemon or orange slices to your water. Another great option is seltzer water.

Eat more fruits and vegetables that have high water content. In fact, 90% of the liquid present in cantaloupe, watermelon, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes is water.

Take electrolytes or coconut water after a workout.

– If you already feel dehydrated, stay away from alcohol as this will cause further fluid loss.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)