Delhi: Former members and members of the group after the meeting

Lethal, murder cases have been registered against Vijay. (photo photo)

New Delhi:

At 6 o’clock the bike-riding rookie attack when Banja’s relatives emerge victorious by killing the rookie and mars for the encounter from Delhi. To avoid the time of theft. Lethal, murder cases have been registered against Vijay. The position of the recorded record was recorded later where it was recorded.

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Astana Vijay with his family in Katrala village. Vijay is located in Karnala village. Mumbai : Mumbai : Mumbai. Even after doing this it happened. recruited in recruitment. Post treatment program was conducted to achieve success.

When attacked in the future, proceed with a motorcyclist riding near the attacker at night 821 and start over. There are four roundabouts. Motorcycle after motorcycle rode.

🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 An investigation to be done is necessary. File cases in lethal, lethal behavior. Also, the victorious supporters are associates of MLA Aambir Shoukeen. The police were killed for attacking. in this matter. There is a thought of the dead. Still check the check.

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