Delhi: Kailash Gehlot gave financial help of 1 crore to the family of DTC driver who died due to Corona

New Delhi:

Revenue and Transport Minister in Delhi Government Kailash Gehlot on Monday met the family of Delhi Transport Corporation (DCC) bus driver who died due to COVID-19. Gehlot presented a check of Rs one crore as grace amount to the family. Symptoms of infection in Lal Singh came to the fore on June 7, 2020 while on duty. He later tested positive for COVID-19 and died on 18 June 2020.

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Lal Singh is survived by his wife and two children. Lal Singh was doing risk recruitment in DTC in 1984. Later found as Tire Man. He became a driver in the year 2022. Gehlot said, “The Delhi government will always stand by the Corona warriors, who sacrificed their lives to save humanity and society.”

He said, “I can understand and accept that no amount can make up for the loss of our loved ones, but ‘Samman Rashi’ is the way through which the Delhi government is paying homage to the sacrifices of the Corona Warriors. It is.

(This news has not been edited by ANDITV team. It is published directly from the syndicate.)

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