Delhi Mask: It is fine in Delhi now, fine, order issued

new Delhi:

Delhi Mask: Completed on Friday evening. The Delhi government has ordered that the public be given relief. DDMA took this decision according to the changing policy ratings in Delhi. It has come into force with immediate effect. on air travel 500 for not using enough (Delhi mask not mandatory) in Delhi There was advice. This is absolutely correct, this is not correct. The public heaved a sigh of relief. Weather conditions in other climates of the country also take care of the weather in favorable weather conditions.

this also further

Such was the case for those meeting in Delhi. All kinds and one’s opinion on this. covid covid covid covid . Will be completed only after completion in Delhi. The man’s party had communicated with Sanchar on February 27. ,

Even in Maharashtra. In Maharashtra from 2nd April No. After the disaster, the project of Maharashtra Vikas Akhri had faced all the Kovid-19 virus. Uddhav’s government had said.