Delhi Planning Year CES at the beginning of the year

The year (2023) was started at the very beginning of the scheme.

New Delhi:

The University of Delhi (University of Delhi) is launching a beautiful scheme called Competition Enhancement Scheme in the stable year. for N ; The result of this program is going to come in this system. The year (2023) was started at the very beginning of the scheme.

this also further

It is worth mentioning that the Competition Enhancement Scheme is a scheme that gives an opportunity to individuals from different fields to study in DU to enhance their knowledge and understanding in any subject being taught in Delhi University. This plan will be a solution to the solution for other questions/institutes. It is ready to run on plan and level.

Objectives of the scheme:

DUU Pro Prof. The plan of this scheme to grow efficiently with new information. Vanata is that this this this ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud ud be better for high level management. What is best to be healthy, will be better to deal with this kind of situation.

, under this machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine machine this this this this this this this this this this this this this this one concept will be analyzed. To connect to the computer of the scheme.

A solution/version of this scheme is included in another such scheme. There will be a functional aspect as well as working at fasting/workplace speed.

According to this forecast:
DUU Pro Prof. Yogesh Singh’s kayata koi koi vav and ktamathaur The growth rate of admission will be equal to and equal to the merit. for the duration of such meeting as the case may be. There will be a change of 10% in the syllabus.

Registering and validating for the course:
The registration for any course has been opened on the basis. necessary to be changed or changed, as it would be in the event of being changed or changed. Specific that should be corrected/what fails to accomplish, as such the curriculum is improved and will be trained to achieve, as re-entered in the curriculum. For one to have a wonderful record at once.

Fees and Promotions
Determining the appropriate time for registration in such course(s), along with being tailored to the course(s), will allow the U.S. Updated for 1-2 points.