Delhi Police raids The Wire editors’ house after Amit Malviya’s complaint

The Crime Branch of Delhi Police on Monday raided the residences of The Wire founder Siddharth Varadarajan and founding editor MK Venu after BJP leader Amit Malviya alleged that the media company tried to malign them. Malviya had alleged that The Wire had fabricated evidence against him and that his name was intentionally inserted in a story.

Before the Delhi Police searched Varadarajan’s residence, The Wire had filed a police complaint against his former advisor Devesh Kumar. The news portal lodged the complaint via e-mail late Saturday night and no FIR has been registered so far. It is now holding Kumar responsible for Malviya’s name in the withdrawn story.

On Saturday, the Delhi Police had registered an FIR against The Wire and its editors based on Malviya’s complaint. He said that he will take criminal and civil action against the portal over the stories, as it was suggested that they have a special privilege on the meta platform, through which they can remove any story if not in the interest of BJP .

The complaint against Devesh Kumar, a copy of which was accessed by PTI, alleged that Kumar had “malafide” The Wire, its editors and staff, and that they “displayed documents, e-mails and other material such as videos”. fabricated and supplied. With a view to hurt his reputation. He has done so either on his own or at the instance of other unknown persons.

Malviya’s complaint was filed with the Special Commissioner (Crime) of Delhi Police against The Wire, its founding editors Siddharth Varadarajan, Siddharth Bhatia and MK Venu, deputy editors and executive news producers Jhanvi Sen, Foundation for Independent Journalism and some unidentified persons. Was.

Complaint filed for various offenses punishable under sections 420 (cheating), 468 and 469 (forgery), 471 (cheating), 500 (defamation) r/w 120B (criminal conspiracy) and 34 (criminal act) of the Indian penal code Went. ,

(with PTI inputs)

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