Delhi Pollution: People get relief from toxic smog, AQI improves…

AQ in Delhi was found to be 450 on Thursday in the ‘severe’ category.

New Delhi:

Delhi Pollution: Make people better to improve Delhi-NCR. Weather in Delhi today at 7 am (Air Quality Index) 344 was recorded. The AQI was 319 and Faridabad 328. The capital’s 24 hours to have lunch beat 339 on May 354th. On Saptami it was 381. Received this 344 today.

this also further

It is known that between 51 and 100 is ‘satisfactory’, between 101 and 200 ‘moderate’, between 201 and 300 ‘bad’, between 301 and 400 ‘injurious’ and between 401 and 500 there is a ‘severe’ pain. Is. AQ in Delhi was found to be 450 on Thursday in the ‘severe’ category. Allergies did it as if…

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Still the same thing will happen even after restarting. Also the work-from-home order of 50 percent comes back. Delhi Environment Minister Gopal said that the Action Plan (Practical Action Plan (GR) to improve the pollution situation and improve the quality of stubble. Thus, according to the rank of Officer of Administration, the communication of Phase-4 of the post) How is the post of admission in communication done.

It would be better to apply to improve air pollution in the Delhi-National Capital Region (N) that would need to be activated after turning on the lights to do so. , It was right during the final phase of the air.

The commission would have done the same in case of updates to be made and updates to be done in Delhi. According to the opinion, a decision was taken on the individual composition. Commission officials had recorded the ban in their order.

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