Delhi Weather: Change in temperature in Delhi, temperature at 45 degree

Delhi Weather: Temperature continues in Delhi

New Delhi:

To change the temperature. The weather is forecast. A temperature of 44.2 was recorded for warming the size of Delhi’s Sasadjung Observatory. Latest and live battery: 43.9 percent and 43.5 recorded in environment .

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Recorded in high quality environment in Najafgarh. Heart disease in sports, Pitampura and Jafarpur: 46.1 percent profession, 45.8 degrees and 46 degrees were recorded.

‘Yellow’ is updated when the weather is updated in different seasons to be updated. For India Meteorological Department, Meteorology should be based on different different different identities. The genes include O, yellow, orange and red.

Vaidya Vaidya’s Vaidya (Climate Change and Meteorology) Himesh Palavati attributed the heat wave to the reaction of a strong disturbance and western toxic cyclone. An estimated positive response is 40-41.

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