Delhi will reopen schools for classes 6 to 12 from tomorrow, colleges, universities also allowed

After being closed due to the lockdown due to COVID-19 following pollution, the Delhi government will now reopen the school for students of classes 6 to 12 from tomorrow, December 18. It falls a few days before the winter vacation. Schools will resume amid strict COVID-19 precautions as the national capital has reported cases of the new COVID-19 variant – Omicron.

Not only schools but colleges can also resume as per the Air Quality Management Commission (CAQM) guidelines. student of Demanding reopening of Delhi University campus For over a month, however, there has been no word on the same from the university.

The State Governments of NCR and GNCTD have been advised to take immediate decision to resume physical classes in schools (after class 6), colleges, educational institutions, skill development and training institutes, other training institutes and libraries.

The announcement comes days after Delhi’s education department sent Two proposals to the Environment Ministry regarding the reopening of schools, The proposal suggested that schools should immediately reopen individually for class 6 and above while for class 5 and below, schools can resume in physical mode from December 20. For smaller classes, schools will resume in physical mode from December 27.

“The Commission for Air Quality Management in the National Capital Region and adjoining areas has given permission for the resumption of physical classes in schools from class 6 onwards,” Delhi’s Directorate of Education said in an official statement. This will apply to all government, aided, Unaided, NDMC, MCD and Delhi Cantonment Board schools.

Schools in the national capital were last opened on November 1 and were closed after four days due to pollution. SC had earlier reprimanded Delhi government for reopening schools When the office was working from home or remote mode.

As pollution levels eased in the city, parents and academics started demanding the reopening of schools. Earlier this month, a section of parents ran a campaign on Twitter #backtoschool. Under the same, a large number of people highlighted how the closure of schools is causing irreparable damage to the minds of the students which includes changes in the learning as well as behavior of the children.

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