Demand to ensure respect for Muslims

Madani established peace-constitution and stability from the masses.

New Delhi :

Some prominent Muslims of the country have implemented. To be respected should be respected. Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind chief Maulana Mahmood Madani (Maulana Mahmood Madani) at a program,” BJP MLA Raja Singh had said. Indefinite and name-calling for this country too. ,

this also further

“The need of the hour is disciplinary. In the case of this event, resolve such events. Madani said, “The Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind has always been in such a position that it is a safe haven for all religions to protect the honor and dignity. Of. Let us turn once again from the center and understand the status quo and behave in such a way as to be treated as such.

… Maulana Habid Saifi Family along with the Club of All India Personal Laws had club meetings with the members of the club.

Established peace and harmony with the people. The fixer at the appointed time for fixing will be reset to make sure to turn into position at a certain time. However, it was unfairly disputed on social media. ,

(news said)