“Democracy is in danger”: Taiwan’s president in the US

The Taiwanese president said he was grateful to have the United States on his side.


Taiwan’s president expressed gratitude for meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday, saying his island was “not isolated” on the international stage – but Beijing threatened an early “firm” response .

Tsai Ing-wen, who was greeted by top Republicans in California, said she had received a warm welcome from politicians on both sides of the aisle in the United States.

“Their presence and unwavering support assures the people of Taiwan that we are not isolated and we are not alone,” he told reporters at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.

Tsai’s trip to California is technically a stop after a trip to Latin America to see the dwindling band of Taiwan’s two official diplomatic allies.

Despite ruling separately for more than 70 years, China views Taiwan as part of its territory and has vowed to one day annex it if necessary.

Beijing balks at Taipei on any official contact with other countries, insisting there is only “one China” and, hours after Tsai and McCarthy appeared before the cameras, fired back.

“In response to the gravely wrongful acts of collusion between the United States and Taiwan, China will take firm and effective measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity,” the foreign ministry said.

– ‘Deep significance’ –

McCarthy, who is second in line for the US presidency, said a shared belief in freedom and democracy underpinned a relationship that was “a matter of profound importance to the free world.”

He vowed that US arms sales to Taiwan – which infuriates the Chinese leadership – would continue, which he said was a proven strategy to ward off aggression.

“And from what we know through history, the best way to do that is to supply weapons that allow people to prevent war,” he told reporters at the library north of Los Angeles.

“It’s an important lesson we learned through Ukraine, that in the future just the idea of ​​sanctions is not going to stop anyone” who wants to wage war.

Despite having all the trappings of a fully functioning state, only a few countries recognize Taiwan as a sovereign nation.

Under a carefully constructed diplomatic façade, the United States formally recognizes authoritarian Beijing, but is a significant supporter of Taiwan, and maintains strong informal and commercial ties.

Taipei enjoys bipartisan support in the US Congress, and under Tsai’s leadership has grown closer to Washington – much to China’s annoyance.

Support for Taiwan — and rejection of China — is one of the few issues that unites America’s warring politicians.

– ‘Beacon of Freedom’ –

Last year, McCarthy’s predecessor, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, sparked fury in Beijing by becoming the most senior US politician to visit the island in two decades.

This prompted Beijing to launch its largest ever military exercise in the waters around Taiwan.

McCarthy had originally planned to go by himself, but instead opted to meet Tsai in California.

The decision was seen as a compromise that would underscore support for Taiwan but avoid stoking tensions with China.

Pelosi praised the California meeting on Wednesday, which was attended by more than a dozen lawmakers, both Democrats and Republicans.

“Today’s meeting between Taiwan’s President Tsai and Speaker McCarthy is commendable for its leadership, its bipartisanship, and its iconic and historic site,” he said.

Tsai’s stop in Southern California follows visits to Guatemala and Belize and a brief stop in New York last week, where she was greeted by flag-waving Taiwanese expatriates.

Tsai times out as Taiwan’s president in 2024, and her party faces a challenge from opponents seen as close to Beijing.

It has positioned itself as a defender of the status quo – actual, but latent, freedom, even as China ratchets up the pressure, poaching allies and imploring foreign governments to isolate Taipei. exerts pressure.

“It is no secret that today, the peace we have maintained and the democracy we have worked so hard to build are facing unprecedented challenges,” he told reporters.

“We once again find ourselves in a world where democracy is under threat and the need to keep the light of freedom shining cannot be underestimated.

“Taiwan is grateful to the United States on all sides as we face the unique challenges of our times.”

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)