Dengue cases on the rise in Manipur’s border town Moreh

Officials say there are more than 80 confirmed cases in the border villages.

Manipur’s health authorities are concerned about the increasing dengue infection in the border town of Moreh. Officials said on Monday that there were more than 80 confirmed cases in the border villages. The state’s malaria department has sent doctors, nurses and other paramedics to Moreh to deal with the situation. It is estimated that the actual number of dengue patients may be much higher than this.

Officials said that for a few days, fogging was done in all the residential areas along the border. However, this was replaced by the spraying of insecticides to kill mosquitoes. Doctors and paramedics are also running awareness programs among the people.

There is only one community health center in Moreh and skeleton staff are taking care of dengue patients. Sources fear that there could be many more infected people in the inner villages and across the border. Myanmar people on the border depend on Moreh Hospital because of the lack of medical facilities available in these neglected Myanmar villages.
