Despite choosing heavyweights, educational center yearns for quota development – Times of India

Kota: Coaching City quotaDespite earning thousands of crores, it fears its own demise, largely due to neglect by politicians who have allegedly left no scope for the welfare and development of the townspeople for their vested interests.
Those who voted for these leaders have now started questioning the delay in the airport project, the poor condition of the roads and pathetic medical facilities.
The city hosts around 2.5 lakh students who have come from far flung parts. With no airport in the city, they face many challenges. Also, the traders here complain about the lack of air transport facilities. This is the case when the city is generating huge revenue for the government, said a hotelier on condition of anonymity. has occurred. .”
Questioning the poor medical facilities, a housewife, Reena said, “Jodhpur gets AIIMS because it is the home constituency of the Chief Minister. However, Kota, in spite of all its name and fame and industry, suffers from poor medical facilities. We have a constituency. Children from Birlaji and Dhariwalji K. JK Lone hospital still die here. Why do such incidents happen in Kota,” he asked.
A few years ago, hundreds of newborn babies died in Kota’s JK Lone Hospital due to lack of medical facilities.
Locals say that the city has become a victim of sordid politics, where leaders have emerged who stay away from the ground reality and public concerns. They are engaged in increasing their stature by leaving people at the mercy of God.
Under this pressure of politics, the quota is slowly sinking. He said that the city is on top in the coaching industry but it is back on other parameters like air connectivity, medical, tourism, business.
“Despite being a business hub, no industry other than coaching is growing, making the youth face the challenge of getting employment,” said the local residents. Om Birla Who is the Speaker of the Lok Sabha from here now; Similarly, the city is home Shanti Dhariwal Which is after the Chief Minister being the Minister of UDH and Parliamentary Affairs. as well as former CM Vasundhara Raje Comes from Hadoti region which also includes Kota. Surprisingly, none of them could help us till today to realize our dream of getting an airport, employment and smooth roads.
Talking to IANS, a senior official said, “Kota has immense tourism potential. However, tourists travel back to Bundi. The city’s image as a coaching center is cannibalizing other industries. And This industry is supported by politicians who are least interested in helping other industries grow.”
Actually, the recently released superhit web series netflix quota factory This education shows the pressure and suffocation of the students in the city.
While the series paints a picture of reel-life, the plight of the common man in real life is no different.
Faced with the challenges of traveling on bad roads, many people have fallen ill.
Dr SN Gautam, Head, Department of Neuro Surgery, Medical College, Kota, said, “The number of patients with back pain and neck pain has increased this season. Such patients should avoid driving on potholed roads.”
Gajendra, a student from Kota, said his leaders are more interested in building a global presence than in their home region.
In this connection, he told an anecdote when he went to BJP leader Mukesh Vijay to organize an educational workshop.
According to Gajendra, Mukesh told him, “We are going to Singapore with 60 people to unfurl the national flag there on August 15 and hence we do not have the time and resources to organize such an event in Kota.”
Actually, all the leaders are following a similar pattern and are more engaged in programs outside quota.
On an average a student in Kota pays up to Rs 2.5 lakh annually. About 150,000 students are admitted in Kota Coaching Annual Center. According to these estimates, the market size of the coaching centers here is around Rs 3,800 crore.
When BJP leader Prahlad Gunjal was asked about the poor development of the city despite having big leaders, he said, “Where are the big leaders here? We have Om Birla of BJP who is by chance and incidentally the leader. We have Congress. There is K Shanti Dhariwal who is again a leader based on an organization-based system. We don’t have leaders who can be the voice of the people and hence there is this anarchy in Kota.”
These leaders are focusing only on the coaching factories which are only promoting rote learning and putting pressure on the students. According to sources, around 10-20 students commit suicide every year.
Dhariwal from Congress and Birla from BJP are best friends, mostly seen working and walking together. Gunjal said that they are more concerned about their development and hence the development of the city is nowhere on their radar.
Another Congress leader alleged on the condition of anonymity, “Dhariwal has already conquered a vast empire. Signal free roads and big statues are his vision for his mission of making money and this fact is known to all. ”
Both Gunjal and the Congress leader said that all we can do is wait and see for the change of leadership in Congress and BJP which will pave the way for the rejuvenation of this city.
Birla and Dhariwal could not be contacted despite several attempts to know about their plans for the development of their constituency.