Details of Shrikanti’s special item, details of Maa from 24 hours

New Delhi:

Badi Badmiji’s position with the lady is the quality of Shrikant Tyagi (Srikant Tyagi) being well-charged-scrambling. His wife is examined. Meanwhile, there is a video of a get-together with Sri Krishna. are in regular working condition. In the video it is said that they are on their own. They are near 24 hours. The police have it. know. No wrong has been done, yet it is recorded.

this also further

Are they women, what are they? What’s up recently. ️ Evening ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Until 24 hrs. they a . Neither sleep with the bow, nor can eat with the bow.

It was said that “Yesterday the police came and a sleuth came to the house to search. we rastanasa off r w tried but they they they they they they but but but ki ki ki ki ki ki ki try t try t try t try t try t try try try Try try try try try try try try try who is the observer we are being communicated with.