DGCA asks airlines to strictly implement COVID-19 protocol amid surge in cases

According to DCGA, airlines have to ensure that passengers are properly wearing face masks throughout the journey and passengers are properly sensitized through various platforms.

According to DCGA, airlines have to ensure that passengers are properly wearing face masks throughout the journey and passengers are properly sensitized through various platforms.

Aviation regulator DGCA on Wednesday asked all Indian carriers to strictly implement COVID-19 protocols, including making masks mandatory for passengers on board Amidst rising infections across the country,

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said in a statement that it would conduct “random checks” in aircraft across the country to see whether the COVID-19 protocols were being implemented.

Airlines will have to ensure that passengers wear face masks properly throughout the journey and that passengers are properly sensitized through various platforms.

strict action

“If any passenger does not follow the instructions, strict action will be taken against the passenger by the airlines,” it added.

In view of the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases, airlines have been again advised on August 16 to strictly follow the COVID-19 protocol inside the aircraft, it noted.

India on Wednesday recorded 9,062 fresh COVID-19 infections, taking the tally to 4,42,86,256, while the number of active cases declined to 1,05,058, according to data from the Union Health Ministry.