DGCA takes action against SpiceJet, bans flights by 50% for 8 weeks – Times of India

New Delhi: Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) ordered on Wednesday SpiceJet To operate only 50% of the flights approved for 8 weeks after several interruptions.
“In view of the findings of various spot checks, inspections and response to the show cause notices submitted by SpiceJet, for continued sustenance of safe and reliable transport service, the number of departures of SpiceJet has been restricted to 50 per cent of the number of summer schedules. Sanctioned departure for a period of 8 weeks under 2022,” the DGCA said in its order.

Following a spate of incidents in recent months, the regulator had issued a show cause to SpiceJet for “failing to establish safe, efficient and reliable air service”.
In a statement issued on Tuesday, SpiceJet said that it has “corrected the defects/defects identified by DGCA in 10 aircraft and all these 10 aircraft are back in operation. The rectification was done immediately after observation by DGCA. ( The Ministry of Aviation (AVI) further informed the Parliament that DGCA had conducted regulatory audit of three scheduled airlines including SpiceJet as per Annual Monitoring Program-2022.