Digital Art | Why has the art created by AI become controversial?

AI Art Generator can eliminate the need to pay for licensed art, making it possible to mimic an artist’s style to produce a customizable result in seconds – for free

AI Art Generator can eliminate the need to pay for licensed art, making it possible to mimic an artist’s style to produce a customizable result in seconds – for free

the story So Far: On October 3, acclaimed comedian, Kim Jung Gi, died after experiencing chest pain during a visit to New York Comic Con. He was 47 years old. Within days of his passing, a Twitter user claimed that he had trained a deep learning model to draw in the style of a South Korean painter, and shared the purported images created with the model. The response was swift and stormy as artists and art lovers expressed their feelings about the progress of AI art – and what it can do for human artists.

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How does AI create art?

Machine learning and deep learning models are now available for people to create art works. Stable Diffusion, released in August by StabilityAI, is one of the models that can be used as its source code is made available.

many AI-based art generators use static diffusion To help people create their own images. Many of them ask users to enter a text-based prompt or even an image, which can be used to recreate, copy, sketch, paint, synthesize images to create the desired result. Used to customize or replace images.

In other words, even a person with no art experience can use a static diffusion model to create an image on an AI art generator as “a parent and a child standing on a beach and pinking together watching the sunset” sign.

An AI art piece showing a parent and child watching the sunset on the beach. photo credit:

With additional keywords, image prompts, or even pre-built filters, this image can be infinitely edited to give it a certain style (such as photorealism or anime) and to show specific details (such as backgrounds). Dolphins in, or even an asteroid crashing into Earth).

Why are some artists against AI art?

While art created with steady diffusion can get the job done quickly, the result can range from a little unnatural to downright terrifying. Millions of works of art are fed to deep learning models for analysis, to learn how to produce images that comply with what users typed in. These artistic data sets also include copyrighted products from artists who are still alive today. In the process, artists’ names can become clues for AI art generators to imitate their style or aesthetic when producing paintings using static diffusion. Non-artists can now freely use these created images, and even monetize their art.

Greg Rutkowski is a digital artist who was caught in this drag net. Despite his trouble with the idea, his name remains one of the top signs on the AI ​​art generator. Many published pieces on AI art platforms are very similar to his extraordinary projects of dragons and epic fantasy landscapes.

Critics have claimed that this is a violation of copyright law and that artists should have the freedom to extract their work from the data sets used to train AI models.

The Twitter user who claimed that he trained a model to imitate the characters of the late Kim Jong-ji’s lush, ink-based style also considered the illustrator’s lifetime of work as a common end product. It was criticized for what could be replicated by a machine.

However, a Twitter user claimed that they were paying tribute to Kim Jong Gi.

Can “AI Art” Replace Human Artists?

Freely available AI art generators can make it possible for almost anyone to do this task in a matter of minutes, at a very low cost. These models can also eliminate the need to pay for licensed art by selecting a theme, copying the artist’s style, and creating customizable results – all for free. It has the potential to completely reorganize sectors like fashion design, architecture, cinema, book publishing etc.

Artists are also concerned that any work they upload or share online could be used to train deep learning models without their permission. This could allow others to create derivative works of art and benefit without giving any credit to the original artists whose efforts made AI Art Generator possible.

In September, this same scenario came true when American designer Jason Allen won first prize in an art competition for his piece ‘Theatre d’Opera Spatiale’, which was created with the help of an AI program.

As deep learning tools reach more users day by day, artists are waiting to see how different fields will accept or reject the rise of AI art.