Discovering Inner Peace, Mindfulness Through Meditation & Yoga

Last Update: February 21, 2023, 09:37 IST

There are several steps you can take to ensure that you are doing yoga in a way that is appropriate for your body, ability level, and desired objectives. (Image: shutterstock)

Yoga can guide us on the path of a peaceful life apart from helping us to balance our body and mind and attain that level of inner peace.

Inner peace refers to the state of calmness we experience when our mind is at peace. And we have come to a state of peace and self-compassion. The daily worries of our life stop disturbing our peace and we are ready to accept whatever challenges come our way. No matter what difficulties we face, experiencing inner peace can increase overall fulfillment and happiness. It enables us to face the challenges of life more easily with a calm and peaceful attitude.

How can meditation promote inner peace?

One of the easiest techniques to regain peace of mind is meditation. It helps us to focus and connect with our inner self. We can find peace by meditating and spending some time alone with ourselves. The benefits of meditation are unmatched as it instantly connects us to our true self. An overactive mind filled with excessive thoughts drains our energy. It leaves us tired by the end of the day. Through meditation we can release this clutter and calm our mind.

In difficult situations and uncertain times, we often become anxious and lose awareness of what is important to us. Our emotions sway us and we tend to act on impulse rather than making deliberate, conscious decisions. Meditation gives us the power to accept things as they are and prevents us from doing something wrong.

We can start by sitting still in a posture and then comfortably close our eyes. We should not forcefully close our eyes or squint them and keep on taking deep breaths. It can help us begin our journey towards finding our inner peace.

Can Yoga Help With Mindfulness?

Yoga apart from helping us to balance our body and mind and attain that level of inner peace can also guide us on the path of a peaceful life that we have been searching for so long. It benefits our memory while improving our ability to concentrate and study. Here are some yoga asanas that we can try.

Firstly, we can try Sukhasana or easy pose. This is an easy asana, we just need to sit on the floor with our legs spread and our spine straight. Then cross the legs and place the hands, palms on the knees. Our breathing should be normal. This is a good posture if you want to meditate.

Next, Vajrasana or Vajra pose. We can start by kneeling on the ground, lowering our body till our hips rest on our calves and heels. Then we can place our hands on our knees with our palms facing down. We should keep our spine straight and focus on our breath.

Various yoga poses help us to control and focus our breathing patterns. It is essential to keep our mind clear and bring out our inner self. Additionally, we should try to do yoga in the open air and get fresh air to help us feel more relaxed.

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