‘Disrupted’ movie review: Where the characters are plagued by the Manu Joseph issue

Even though the series starring R Madhavan and Surveen Chawla is about the separation of a couple, the governing Chetna is its producer. That’s why you’re either gonna love it or hate it

To enjoy the juicy bits of the eight-episode series directed by Hardik Mehta, it is important that you know about Manu Joseph’s brand, which has been built from the reputation of an insensitive writer.

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Although decoupled A “mischievous” and equally provoking writer is about the dissolution of the marriage of Arya Iyer (R Madhavan) and his wife Shruti Sharma (Surveen Chawla), the series’ governing Chetna is Joseph. So it stands to reason that the series will have two extreme reactions: either you’re going to love it or hate it, just like his column.


  • Cast: R Madhavan, Surveen Chawla, Atul Kumar and Siddharth Sharma
  • Director: Hardik Mehta
  • Duration: 30 minutes

These are uncomfortable truths, as Joseph would argue. He will also make you believe that there are positive consequences to suffering. that’s not all to say decoupled is not amusing. Just that the way each episode is constructed makes it look self-indulgent, without any common purpose. To make matters worse, Arya has a writer at its center. Actually two, if you count Chetan Bhagat’s cameo and the fact that he is India’s “best-selling author”.

The underlying, dry humor attacking the thought system is easily the best part of decoupled, But Madhavan is no better Manu Joseph hero than Joseph himself. He sometimes becomes too rigid and does not embody the clumsy attitude of his character; Dialogues don’t help. They sound very bookish, making you think it would have been more effective as an audio book. For example, in the first episode, a political economist states this: “Your book club treats male members as second-class citizens, even if they are feminists.”

Take this for example. When Arya asks Shruti who she is meeting, given that they are still “technically” married, she asks him to expand the word. He tells her, “If you are dead under mysterious circumstances, I will be the prime suspect.” Somehow these two sly bright lines don’t produce the same effect when spoken out loud. This is the case throughout the series where the dialogues feel as if they were written for a novel rather than for the screen.

main issue with decoupled How familiar this sounds to those who follow Joseph’s writings. You know he dismisses male feminists and economists. you know he thinks parasite It’s a stupid film. You know their anger towards the elite of the system when it becomes the lower class of some other system. All this stuff prevents the characters from being alive as individuals, instead they seem like puppets – like when Arya contemplates the purpose of barricades on Indian roads, or when he questions the role of CISF security in airports. pick up.

Although the intention may have been to create a comedy of errors at the forefront, in which its primary characters Arya and Shruti find themselves learning a new thing or two about themselves, the series doesn’t have a strong backbone to hold it all together. . in a united manner. For the most part, there’s a claustrophobic feeling of being trapped inside Joseph’s head, and we’re not sure that’s a good place to be.

decoupled Currently streaming on Netflix.
