Diwali celebrations are coupled with 100 distractions. Here’s how to maintain a healthy routine

Diwali 2022: Every year in October or November, Diwali, a five-day holiday that is one of the biggest and most important festivals of the year in India, is celebrated by thousands of people. The celebration of this five-day event requires a display of lights in a variety of designs and styles. The word Diwali is derived from Diya, a small handmade cup with flattened edges painted in bright colors and filled with oil which is used as an oil light.

The religious festival, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a joyous occasion that honors the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, and faith in suffering.

But what’s behind a lot of light, a variety of sweet treats, and the change in bedtime for young children? let’s find out!

Diwali is an important holiday which is celebrated across the country in India. The festival consists of a variety of fun activities, such as lots of shopping, mouth-watering dishes and the burning of crackers. This short-term change in lifestyle is accommodating for adults and parents, but for young children, welcoming hundreds of distractions won’t be an easy task. Changes in sleep schedules can break their rhythm and flow to maintain a healthy routine. Additionally, studies and research clearly demonstrate the fact that high amounts of sugar and excessive consumption of sweets have detrimental effects on learning, memory and academic performance.

Can this be avoided? Definitely yes! Keep in mind the points below by Namrata Sharma, Childbirth Educator at Hmm Care, on how to devise a plan for your baby that is primarily stress-free and healthy during their busy schedule, while allowing them to have fun.

Plan Their Day Without the Retain

Your child has friends, and friends influence other children in a big way. Make sure your child is not put off for things that other children are allowed to do. This being a festival, let your child have all the fun, but of course, without too much exertion and lethargy.

settle sweets

Don’t let your kids eat sweets too many times throughout the day. Never save sweets for dessert; Instead, eat them as a mid-meal or evening snack to avoid excess sugar.

Make sure your child drinks enough water

Since it is expected that children will consume more junk food and sweets than nutritious food this holiday season, it is important to make sure that your child drinks enough water to flush out the toxins.

Lastly, keep an eye on security

Make sure to keep firecrackers away from your child’s hands while lighting firecrackers. Ask them to keep a safe distance while lighting firecrackers. Do not let your child burst crackers when you are not around. Also, don’t stay in the dark while celebrating the festival of lights. Firecrackers are harmful to mother earth. Keeping the environment in mind, either practice celebrating Diwali without crackers or use eco-friendly firecrackers.