DIY Face Packs for Glowing Skin During Summer

Summers come with many skin problems like tanning and dryness. Many times the skin gets burnt in the scorching sun when you go out. To avoid this, whenever you go out of the house during the day, cover your face properly and never forget to apply sunscreen with high SPF at least 20 minutes before leaving the house.

Apart from this, you can also try some home remedies to protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. The easiest face pack can be made at home with honey and papaya.


1. Honey – 1 tbsp

2. Mashed Papaya – 1 tbsp

3. Orange pulp – 1 tbsp

Preparation and use:

Mix all the ingredients well in a container or bowl

Now apply this face pack slowly on your face

After 15 minutes this face pack will dry completely

wash face with normal water

You can use this face pack twice a week. With its regular use, you will see the difference in a few days.

This pack is beneficial for the skin as honey is a natural moisturizer. It helps in keeping the skin hydrated for a long time. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which helps in removing impurities from the skin and reveals a clear and glowing skin. Orange pulp contains citric acid which helps in controlling acne and pimples. It also clogs pores and has antioxidant properties, which fight infections and keep the skin toxin-free. Rich in Vitamin C, oranges have natural moisturizing properties and hence help to lock in the moisture and keep the skin soft and glowing. All the ingredients are also known to slow down the effects of aging on the skin.

Apart from this, our body and skin require more water in summers so always keep yourself hydrated. For this, drink enough water throughout the day. Apart from this, you can consume coconut water, lemonade, seasonal fruits, green vegetables, sprouted grains, curd, lassi etc. so that the body can get enough fluids.

(Disclaimer: The information given in this article is based on general assumptions. Hindi News 18 does not confirm this. Please contact the concerned expert before applying them)

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